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Internet Marketing And The Killer Instinct

Hello ,

Do you have the killer instinct in you? Do you even know what it is? For the most part the killer instinct is something that is taken literally in the context of battle, where being able to literally kill someone in order to preserve you own life is a total necessity. Luckily we dont need that type of killer instinct in our society anymore. However, sometimes in sports the killer instinct is spoken of when a team is in a very close contest with an opponent and needs to get that certain extra motivation to do whatever it takes to win the game. Im sure youve all seen close matches, whether its football, baseball, or even a sport such as tennis. It doesnt matter what the contest or game is, sometimes you need the killer instinct to win at any cost. Of course, that means within the rules!

So what does that have to do with your business, you ask? Well naturally you arent in a contest or match with anyone, so who are you really competing against? Most of the time we are competing with ourselves! What I mean by that is, there are times when we struggle with our ability to take actions that we know in our minds need to be taken to be successful or reach our goals. For example, I know there are things I must do on a daily basis to keep my business moving forward. Do I always do them? Of course not! I get distracted by fun stuff, or things I want to do in order to keep my sanity (whats left of it!).

This weekend was 4th of July. So how much work did I get done? Not nearly enough, and I know it. So Im struggling with myself to buckle down, find my killer instinct, and fight back so I can win the long battle I know is ahead. Its a battle that I sometimes may lose in the short run, but the war is certainly a different story. I know in my heart that I will win the war, even if once in awhile I lose a battle. Now you tell me, in the grand scheme of things do you think you have the killer instinct? The ability to fight for what you really want in life, fight for control over the forces of laziness and apathy, continue the struggle for freedom and the American way? Ok, that last one was a little over the top, but you know where Im going with this. Find your killer instinct today and never lose sight of what you want in life, no matter what it is. Go get em, killer.

by: Doug Hart

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