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Tape Autoloader Is The Best Storage System To Perk Up Your Business Needs

Information technology sector is rapidly growing in todays business world. IT organizations have the increasing data along with the growing business. Information is the main asset for any organization, as it contains the confidential data. Data storage is the main hassle for any enterprise. Once it is stored, it has to be maintained properly for the future reference. These days, many organizations prefer data storage solutions to manage the immense amount of statistics. These solutions are important to save, manage and retrieve the information whenever required. Many specialized professionals are developing multiple devices or systems to save the maximum amount of data without any failure.

Tape Autoloader Is The Best Storage System To Perk Up Your Business Needs

Network attached storage (NAS), tape drives, hard disk drives, compact disks, tape loaders, storage area network (SAN) and many other devices or systems are available in the IT hardware market. These devices are mainly used in the information technology organizations, pharmaceuticals, automation sector and many other industries. Tape autoloader is the effective system with single tape library to uphold the maximum information. These tape systems are considered as the cost effective methods and allows maximum storage capacity back up. It is specially designed for the mid and large sized organization. It allows users to access the data from different systems in a shared network. It can support critical business applications and multiple operating systems.

It has 2U dense form factor with rack mounted design. It can support a single LTO tape drive and provides maximum capacity with high density features. It has remote management functionality to offer operational control to the tape systems. It is ideal for remote office and entry level automated backup solution. It is defines as the device, where the media is loaded automatically in a sequential manner. It can change the tapes routinely to complete the back up. It has many advantages such as easy-to-install, less expensive, save the organizational time and money by doing automatic back up for storage needs. It helps users in restore and recovery processes. It has the accuracy to maintain the data offline as well. It can also reduce the energy cost with energy efficient usage. It also has investment protection for capacity requirements and altering performance. Tape autoloader can support broad interface with maximum capacity to maintain the information. It is capable up to 24 TB native capacities and 504 GB transfer rates within 2U form factor. It is featured with removable tape magazine to enable media removable for convenient storage space. Hence, it is the best choice for any organization to enhance the business performance and efficiency.

by: Abhishek Kumar

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