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subject: 5 Ways To Help Your Child Overcome Fear Of The Dark [print this page]

5 Ways To Help Your Child Overcome Fear Of The Dark

You might find it natural for kids to be afraid of a lot of things especially the dark. But this does not mean that you should just let things be that way. When kids fear the dark, their imagination starts to go on a roll and they might end up thinking about so many things that they can possibly come across with in the dark like monsters and ghosts. While it is true that they may eventually outgrow it anyway, there's also a high risk of it becoming a traumatic experience for them.

So as an adult who knows what exactly it is that you can see in the dark and it's all just a matter of having the lights turned off, it's your responsibility to help them conquer that fear. It's important to do so because it would help them become independent and more courageous about a lot of other things. Here are some important tips that you might want to consider:

1. Have the patience to deal with your kid's fear - You might easily feel like losing your end of the thread when coaxing the kids to sleep and finally slumber off their fears of the dark. It's not an easy task because they will most definitely end up standing by the door or clinging to you. Ease them up through the fear and understand that it will take a step by step process to get their irrational fear straightened out.

2. Illustrate what they imagine in the dark - Kids often like to scribble and appreciate visuals. So the best way you can also get them to help your understand why they fear the dark is by allowing them to illustrate or describe what they think might come out to get them from it. This way, you can also explain to them much easier the truth behind what's really there when the lights are turned off.
5 Ways To Help Your Child Overcome Fear Of The Dark

3. Take tiny steps - This means that you really need to accompany your child every step of the way. Start by staying with them until they sleep, also lying in the same bed as theirs. Then eventually move to just tucking them in and letting them see you seated beside their bed as they finally sleep until you eventually get them to agree to just look at them from the door.

4. Get them a bedside lamp - Another way of desensitizing them is to let them have a bit of light in the room even if the fluorescent is already turned off. This way, they won't totally feel like the pitch black darkness is so much of a threat.

5. Say what's the real deal with the dark - Tell your child why there's a need to turn the lights off. It would also be good to explain to them that there's nothing there and the only difference is that they can't see the items in their room clearly.

Here are just some useful tips you can use to help ease out your child from their fear of the dark. Spend more time with them and you will surely find out other ways in which you can successfully do so.

by: Harrison Fray

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