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subject: Deciding on a Wedding Cake Topper [print this page]

Deciding on a Wedding Cake Topper

The most important consideration is that your topper is unique and has special meaning to you. The best wedding cake topper will reflect the personality and individuality of the couple.

The cake is the center attraction of a reception in a wedding. The cake is on display prior to the wedding ceremony and is in full view and draws the attention of all guests when the reception begins. The decoration you choose to place of the top of your wedding cake is an important one.

How do you decide what topper is the best? The best wedding cake topper will reflect the personality and individuality of the couple. Some couples find toppers that represent their sense of humor, how they met, sport and hobbies they enjoy together. Some couples select a topper as the theme of their wedding.

The most important consideration is that your topper is unique and has special meaning to you. You may be amazed and the availability and variety of wedding cake toppers. You can find figurines of couples in various outfits, ethnicities, riding horses, on a beach, sitting, standing, dancing, embracing, abstract and much more.

Monogram toppers are becoming very popular. They are personal and add simple elegance. You could choose a picture frame to place your engagement photo in. Or, if you can't find a topper you just love you can custom design one of your own.

Prior to purchasing your wedding cake topper be sure to discuss your options with your baker. There may be restrictions or recommendations that they have to offer. The best topper will tie in with the theme of your wedding while being personal and special to you as a couple.

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