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subject: The Easy Way to Lose Weight Effortlessly [print this page]

The Easy Way to Lose Weight Effortlessly

Losing weight is the daily focus of millions of people. Most of these people are focused on loosing weight for cosmetic reasons. You have most likely seen the ads on TV or in the magazines trying to sell some wonder pill or special supplement using women in bikinis. The simple and sad truth is that there is no easy way to lose weight. Once you have it, it takes real dedication and sacrifice to get rid of it and the older you are the harder that is. If you really want to loose weight it is important to understand the way the body creates excess fat and by working to prevent this build up with a proper understanding of these fundamentals you can save yourself a lot work later on down the road.

For an effective and easy way to loose weight try a lifestyle change. Easier said than done, right? Of course it is tempting to go for the easy fix. We would all like to take a pill and have pounds of fat melt away, but this is not scientifically feasible and in most cases not safe at all. If you have a slow metabolism and you supply the body with a large amount of food, more than is needed to sustain your bodys composition, you will inevitably accumulate an excess amount of fat weight. If you do not use it, you will store it. A lifestyle change is the only way to combat this. It takes not only a physical change, meaning changing what you eat, but also a mental change. Until you are able to find your "why", you will have a hard time changing old habits. Until then, at least follow these simple steps below.

Avoid Fast Food

There is not one problem with fast food, there are many. The whole industry is based on convenience and armed with this knowledge, the fast food companies use this to their advantage. They know you will buy just about anything they can shove out a drive through window as long as it gets you to work on time. This includes substandard meats, fat and chemicals. I am sorry folks, but our bodies were not designed to process Maltodextrin, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Modified Corn Starch, Chicken Fat, Disodium Guanylate, Disodium Inosinate, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Sodium Phosphates, Methylcellulose and the king of all crap, high fructose corn syrup.

So the first thing you can do to shed a few pounds is completely cut out fast food and soda. Break the fast food addiction and break the cycle of fat build up. This is an easy way to lose weight that will save you money and dramatically increase your health.

Cut Out the Extras

If you really are serious about loosing weight I hope you will be willing to make a few small changes. Small changes like not eating ranch dressing on your healthy salad or changing from beer every once in awhile to a natural iced tea or all natural fruit juice. It is sometimes the small things that make us go over the edge with our dieting efforts. By slipping up with the small details you can completely fall on your face in your dieting. Years ago I was going along great for months until I got the taste of some buffalo wing sauce. That was always my kryptonite. Well, I do not know what happened, but by the end of the night I had eaten a plate of wings, half of a pizza, a bag of Doritos and a half of a liter of Diet Coke to wash it down. You talk about a slipup. The great thing about the whole episode was that since I had made the commitment in my mind to make the lifestyle and eating change, I was able to quickly put that behind me and immediately get right back on my path. And you will be able to also. So make sure to pay attention to the small things and it will be easier to lose weight over the long term and keep it off.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

I am not trying to be your mother on this one because your mother never really explained why you need to eat all your vegetables. If she was like mine, she probably did not have the slightest idea as to why you needed to eat them; she just knew they were good for you and was trying to take care of you. The fact that they were good for you is really all you need to know but if you are like me, you probably want to know why. In a nutshell, your body functions most efficiently at the proper pH level. This pH level is measured on a scale of 0-14, 7 being neutral. A pH level of 0 is very acidic while a pH of 14 is highly alkaline. Your blood needs to be at a pH of between 7.35 and 7.45 for you to live. From this so far you can see that your blood must be slightly on alkaline the alkaline side.

I am not going to give you a chemistry lesson in this short article, I just want you to be aware of some of the foods that are alkaline forming and some that are acid forming. From this list, try and stick to the ones that move your pH balance to the alkaline side and you will start to feel the difference.

Acid Forming Foods: white rice, bread, beef, pork, poultry, cheese, milk, sugar, coffee, margarine.

Alkaline Forming Foods: all fruits, all vegetables, quinoa and buckwheat (non-gluten grains), sesame seeds, coconut.

Shocking, I know. All of the things in the first list are items you probably eat every day and quite possibly are all some people eat. Bottom line: Eat more fruits and vegetables to bring your pH balance in line and start losing weight and feeling better.

Todd Butcher is a promoter of healthy products and invites you to visit him online at to learn more about raw food diets, weight loss and healthy living. Also visit my blog at

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