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subject: What Is The Ultimate Pleasure A Woman Can Give To A Man? Great Fellatio Is What All Men Want In Bed [print this page]

What Is The Ultimate Pleasure A Woman Can Give To A Man? Great Fellatio Is What All Men Want In Bed

The number one thing that all men want from a woman in bed is fellatio, as when fellatio is performed properly it will give a man the most intense most pleasurable experience that he can ever recieve.

The sheer pleasure that you can give to him with fellatio will not just make him happy , but make you happy too. This is because if he is happy in the bedroom then he will not want another woman in case he loses you, so put simply learning fellatio will stop him from cheating on you. I know it sounds stupid that this simple act can stop him straying, but lets face it sex is all that men ever think about.

Another reason fellatio will make you happy is that he will be a different man, by that I mean he will be kinder and more caring to you. He will be bringing flowers home from work for you, buying you little gifts, telling you that he loves you (and meaning it). Basically he will want to keep you happy in the hope of recieving his ultimate pleasure in bed.

You will also have full power over your man in that you cam make him do anything or buy you anything just by promising him some fellatio. I know women that have been bought diamond rings just in the hope that they will perform fellatio.

So as you can see learning this is very important for many reasons and all of them are going to benefit you more than him.

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