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subject: Are You a Size 14 Wedding Dress? Then Celebrate [print this page]

Are You a Size 14 Wedding Dress? Then Celebrate

Are You a Size 14 Wedding Dress? Then Celebrate

About to put yourself on one of the million starving diets out there so you can feel absolutely miserable and weak on your wedding day, just for the sake of buying a size 6 or less? Who needs to know the size? The weeks up to your wedding will be busy and you will need all of your energy. Try to eat well, lots of vegetables and good food, try not to drink to many umbrella drinks, and fit in as many stress relieving walks in as you can.

When it comes time to fit your dress, get a dress that fits, and that includes a size 14 wedding dress or higher. If the dress fits well, you will look absolutely stunning, and depending on the make you may be smaller or a larger size. Do NOT place importance on that stupid tag. It is just a numbers game, go by your measurements.

This will be your special day, and you want to remember it as being a happy day with your new partner and not weak, headache or pumped up on diet pills. By the end of that day, you will just flop in bed somewhere and what fun will that be?

If you have areas of your body that you are self conscious about, then get a dress that covers that part, and enhances other features. A well made dress, that is designed for your measurements, whether it is a size 14 wedding dress or higher will actually make you look slimmer.

You will celebrate the day, with friends and family that love you just the way you are, they see you all the time, and they do not expect you to go on a crash diet for them. This is your day, stop playing the numbers game and enjoy your plus size wedding dresses.

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