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Money Is Tearing America Apart

Money Is Tearing America Apart

Copyright (c) 2011 Scott F ParadisNext to "trust" the most oft cited reason for the dissolution of a marriage is money. Unable to come to terms, cooperate and collaborate, husbands and wives wrangle over earning, allocating and managing money. Money represents power and power is difficult for self-serving interests to share. Well, today we are witnessing the same dynamic - a struggle over money - play out on a national scale. The political maneuvering in Washington and in state houses across the country are just the opening salvoes. Demonstrations in Wisconsin are the harbinger of battles yet to be fought over the fiscal realities the nation faces. Management, or rather mismanagement, of our national wealth may prove to be the one means to tear the Republic asunder. In a scant 200 years, these united states threw off the shackles of tyranny, withstood invasion, overcame the curse of slavery, rebuilt after a devastating civil war, twice rescued humanity from despotic alliances bent on world domination, and prevailed over an oppressive ideology of totalitarian communism. Rising from a subsistence culture to the most affluent and powerful nation on the planet the United States' success may prove its undoing. Two forces have converged to undermine the moral fiber of the American people. These forces together are destroying the economic engine that propelled the United States to prosperity. We must address both forces to cure our national affliction: addiction to debt.The first force is complacency. Having ascended to what people perceived as the pinnacle of economic, social and military dominance, the masses have chosen to buy into the false promise of a nanny state. Seeking comfort, a life without risk or responsibility, commands nearly universal appeal. To fulfill the desire for comfort above all else, those aspiring to power, most notably through government, have long promised to cure every ill, dispel every evil, and relieve every risk from the experience of the governed. No need to fret about future health and well being - Social Security and Medicare will take care of that. Aging parents or disadvantaged family members are not a concern - they are wards of the state. For the hungry, homeless and destitute, the government provides. For security and national defense an all-volunteer professional military stands guard. Government builds and sustains infrastructure, creates jobs, promotes industries, advances sport and ensures ample means of entertainment. The hand of government is pervasive and benevolent. With such an efficient system the individual need not worry. For no challenge is too great for the printing press or the credit card to overcome. The second, and even more insidious force eroding the promise and potential of a once industrious and self-reliant people, is the power of greed. The opportunists, the titans of finance, the captains of industry, and their political pawns, are building and exploiting a system concentrating wealth with unreserved dispatch. Each day fewer and fewer people gain control of more and more national wealth. This siphoning off of resources destroys productivity and undermines our national resolve. The promise of a nanny state and the active erosion of affluence lead together unceasingly to more debt. The United States, despite the overwhelming attitude of denial, faces a financial catastrophe of extraordinary scale - one that can and will destroy this nation unless the electorate face the facts and address systemic failings aggressively and effectively. Both sides bear responsibility in creating this debacle. The masses are complicit through inept complacency. The rich and the powerful are complicit in their cunning and deceit as they capitalize on their gains. Unfortunately all will fail together as this common course leads to ruin.The time for posturing and platitudes has passed. The time for determined action is at hand. We must act to save the ideal that once was America - the promise of freedom and opportunity. It is not too late. There is no room for comfort and complacency nor for arrogance and avarice. We must act for our collective self-interest. The American experiment in self-government must not fall under the weight of a printing press. It is time to turn about, face our fears, and take on the burden of righting our course. Money must not tear us apart. A successful relationship, a productive partnership, a marriage is hard work, but there is no greater reward in this life then the love shared sacrifice creates. By pulling together we can make America work again.

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