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How To Be Successful At Online Dating - Simple Steps For Attracting More Women

How To Be Successful At Online Dating - Simple Steps For Attracting More Women

With the plethora of dating sites springing up on the internet, there's no shortage of opportunities for a man that wants to date desirable women. Read on if you want to know how to be successful at online dating and stand out from the crowd as a guy that a woman wants to get to know better. Once you know how to position yourself in the online game, you'll be streets ahead of your male competition.

The Headline

Most dating profiles now have a headline which women will see when they are browsing profiles. Take some time out to craft a good headline so that more women actually click through to read your profile and look at your photos.

Your Picture

Without a picture, your response rate falls through the floor. You need to include a picture and make sure it's pretty recent, not what you looked like 10 years ago before your hair fell out. At some point you will meet some of the women you are talking to online so it makes no sense to practice visual deception from the outset, it will just frighten her away when you get off the train wearing a toupee.

Also, be sure to include at least one photo of yourself where you are smiling. It's amazing what a nice set of pearly whites can do to attract women online. You should also include pictures that mark out your social status, so have photos of you with friends and if you've been traveling include those as well. Being a well traveled guy with friends and his own teeth is going to really help you.

Now it's true that a lot of guys like cars and like to talk about them with their male friends, but most women are not that interested. In fact there is nothing worse than a picture of you standing next to your car. Save that for a real life situation when you pick her up in your car one day.

Your Dating Profile

Here's where you have to actually do a little work. Yes, you'll need to write about yourself and craft a profile that is compelling. Don't just write one or two lines, women that are interested will want to read more about you than that and you are more likely to receive a message from a woman if you have a well written profile that demonstrates qualities which make you a more attractive proposition.

Traits That Women Like

If you want to know how to be successful at online dating, you also need to be aware of what women find attractive in a man. Women commonly like the following traits in a guy, so write your profile to demonstrate as many of them as possible. You will not go very far wrong if you inject a little humor into your profile and make the women reading it laugh. You'll also want to mention interests that you have and things you like to do. Don't reveal everything about yourself though as you will still want to retain a sense of mystery so the woman wants to know more about you. It's also important to come across as confident, classy and to sound intelligent.

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