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A Gout Diet Does Not Have To Be Boring

A Gout Diet Does Not Have To Be Boring

It really upsets me when I read an article or hear someone say that you have to eliminate this or that food or drink from your diet and you can only eat these foods to get your gout under control. That is total nonsense. You don't have to eliminate all your favorite purine rich foods to manage your gout successfully.

The goal of a gout diet is to keep your uric acid levels low enough to keep from having gout attacks. Or at least to reduce the number and frequency of attacks to a tolerable level. I don't know where some people get the idea that gout sufferers have to eat boring meals and greatly reduce the variety of foods they can eat.

Now that I got my little rant out of the way, let me share with you some tips and tricks you can use to create a gout diet that you will enjoy. We all know it's a lot easier to stick to a diet that tastes good and does not totally deprive you of the foods you enjoy.

As you explore new foods and new food combinations, take it as a taste bud adventure. Sure, you're not going to like some of the new foods you try, but you may well discover new foods and combinations you really love.

First, let's start with water. Not a big water drinker? Well, start. Water helps to flush out uric acid from the blood stream. Can't stand plain water? Add a little lemon or lime to it.

Do you love a specific high purine level food? Have smaller portions and combine it with other low purine level foods to make a meal. It's your overall purine intake that effects your uric acid levels. Not just the purines in a single food item.

Do you find low purine foods bland? Experiment with different herbs and spices to add flavor to them. You will most likely read that many spices are high in purines. Sure there are some, but you would have to eat the whole bottle of spice to get a significant amount of purines. I would not worry about them at all, since you use so little in cooking. They are only going to add an insignificant amount of purines to your meal.

Do you eat a lot of turkey? Try eating chicken instead. Chicken has a lower amount of purines than turkey. Do you love turkey and hate chicken? Then reduce the serving size of turkey you have at a meal.

I personally love a 16 oz steak, but it contained too many purines for me. So I switched to eating 8 oz steaks along with other foods that contain extremely little amounts of purines. Do I eat steak every day? No. But I sure don't deny myself the pleasure of a food I really love. I just manage my purine consumption levels.

While you are modifying your diet, have your doctor monitor your uric acid levels if possible. You may find out you only have to modify your diet slightly to get your uric acid levels down low enough to eliminate or greatly reduce the number of gout attacks you have.

In the end, keep in mind that it does not matter what you eat. It matters how your overall food intake effects your uric acid levels. Not a single food item.

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