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subject: Do You Require Assistance for Child Custody? [print this page]

Do You Require Assistance for Child Custody?

Do You Require Assistance for Child Custody?

When your child is born, you don't normal foresee needing to seek child custody. As parents battle it out, more often than not, the child is caught in the middle. Most of the time the feud sparks because both parents love their kids so much that they both want as much time with that kid as possible (and their less than fuzzy feelings for each other drive a need to "win" or "beat" each other in battle). Sometimes, however, the battle is for less worthy reasons. In spite of why, you are seeking help with your child custody case and we have some ideas for you to keep in mind.

It is important for you to remember that regardless what is going on, your child has specific needs that you need to meet. The stress of some custody battles can make this easy to do, so just keep this at the front of your mind. If possible keep the children from knowing the details of the battle until necessary.

It can be tempting to talk badly about the other parent to them or use them as pawns in the divorce. Of course, we assume that you wouldn't do this, but it is always a good reminder. It will be more important than ever for you to give your time to your kids each and support their feelings. As this situation is very hard for them also.

Every once in awhile the police are called for assistance with child custody issues. It makes no difference whether you are the one dialing the phone or you are the one being visited, it is imperative that you work together with the officers who have been put in the middle of your fight. If your case goes to court it is highly likely that the officers will be called in to give opinions or to tell their own stories about why they were called. Being cooperative is critical. It is also the law. Arguing with a police officer will never benefit you.

Part of getting the best child custody help is to help yourself. Make sure that all of your paperwork has been filled out in the proper method. Your attorney is capable of helping your with this. It is crucial for you to fill your paperwork out the proper way the first time. The last thing you want to need is to have your case pushed out farther because you didn't pay attention to all the signature lines or you forget to include a required document. Ask your lawyer to go over your documents before they get filed to make sure that everything is dotted, crossed and signed. There are so many different things that can become confounding quite quickly, when it comes to working with the opposite parent on custody provisions of your children. It is of the utmost importance to be mindful that keeping your children in good spirits is much more important than the issues you have with their opposite parent or caregiver. Remember this when you are putting in a request for child custody help. The more sympathetic you are to this type of case and the brighter you are about being the most optimal parent you can be, the more advantageous it will be for your kids.

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