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subject: Second trimester of pregnancy (from week 12 to week 24 [print this page]

Second trimester of pregnancy (from week 12 to week 24

Second trimester of pregnancy (from week 12 to week 24

Thehormones of thefetoplacental system are responsible for many of the physiological changes in the in the woman's body. They regulate water-salt metabolism (the retention of sodium at the same time can lead to swelling or edema),increase the volume ofcirculating blood and stimulate the growth of the uterus and breasts.Due to lower levels of progesterone, queasiness and nausea subside. In the middle of the second trimester, a woman experiences the first feelings of fetal movement. The breasts may start producing yellowish fluid the first milk, called colostrum. As the growing uterus presses on the intestines, constipation may become more common and heartburn may occuregulate water-salt metabolism (the retention of sodium at the same time can lead to swelling or edema),increase the volume ofcirculating blood and stimulate the growth of the uterus and breasts.Due to lower levels of progesterone, queasiness and nausea subside. In the middle of the second trimester, a woman experiences the first feelings of fetal movement. The breasts may start producing yellowish fluid the first milk, called colostrum. As the growing uterus presses on the intestines, constipation may become more common and heartburn may occur.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby's organs are forming and changes in the woman's body continue. Complications of this period are the following: late miscarriage, bleedings (the usual reason is the presentation of placenta), iron-deficiency anemia, and oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus. It is very important for the fetus to get enough oxygen in the second trimester, because this period is characterized by the intensive development of the brain. Alack of oxygen can quickly begin to take its toll: the movements of the fetus change, and thefetalheart rate is affected.

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