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subject: Family weight lose should it be team effort [print this page]

Family weight lose should it be team effort

There are people everywhere that have an interest losing weight. There are some situations were one person in a family decides they need to try to shed some pounds before the summer come or to get rid of some weight before the holidays or before a special event come around so they can fit into a nice suite or that special dress.

Now keep in mind when you are in a family situation most families have the same eating habits and also the same snacking habits as well. That why it is important that family weight loss should be a team effort without a doubt. When you are in a family situation some time one person will decide to break free from the normal eating habits and try to lose weight and they find that they are having an uphill battle. What I mean by that is they see other family members not concerned about their weight and they continue on with the same snacking and eating habits they have always had. Now the others in your family might say they don't feel they need to lose weight and they feel great, they can eat whatever they want and not put on a pound. But you on the other hand put on weight by just watching them eat and snack.

Another thing to keep in mind is when in a family situation the eating and snacking habits you witness on a daily basis become normal and acceptable and you find yourself struggling to break free from these bad habits. You also have a hard time sticking to your weight loss program because of your surroundings and what I mean by that is watching others eating the foods they eat and suffering no consequences from it what so ever and the first thought that pops into your mind is if they can do it why can't I.

You have to keep in mind everyone's metabolism is different and everyone's processes food and calories differently so what might affect you might not even bother them so the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself and that is it. Remember you can't compare your progress to what someone else is doing, the only thing that does is make you unhappy with your progress and eventually you will think you are not accomplishing anything at all. So avoid that mindset and trap at all cost.

Now when a family decides to make weight loss a team effort some amazing things happen in everyone's life. You have a built in support system at home that can encourage you when you are struggling through hard times. Another advantage is everyone will change their eating habits and eliminate their snacking also, you won't have to sit and watch others eat those foods you use to love that are bad for you. Most families have a weight loss competition in their own home were they sit down and make out a diet plan together. They also keep track of each other's eating habits and there for one another. Another great advantage is you are not alone and it becomes a team effort and you have the support of the team behind you all the time. You have someone pushing you to accomplish your weight loss goal. One more great advantage is usually once or twice a week the family has a weigh in were you can see everyone progress or were someone might need some extra encouragement in their weight loss program.

Do I think that weight loss should be a family effort, the answer is absolutely. You have the support, love and encouragement of others always there for you helping you to strive towards your weight loss goal. Also keep in mind when weight loss is a team effort the success rate is higher as opposed to trying it by yourself.

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