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3 Key MLM Home Business Steps To Boost PageRank, Traffic and Visitors

3 Key MLM Home Business Steps To Boost PageRank, Traffic and Visitors

How would you like more visitors interacting and giving you feedback on your site, helping to improve your site's popularity and therefore search engine ranking which in turn will raise your PageRank, lead to more traffic and visitors?

What if you could do all this with couple of easy modifications, done one time that only takes minutes to put into operation?

It's easy: change your blog into a DoFollow blog. You simply change your blog from it's default NoFollow option by installing a few important, no cost plugins to your blog.
3 Key MLM Home Business Steps To Boost PageRank, Traffic and Visitors

There's a little more to it than that, but that's the gist of it. All that's required on your end (to attract quality comments and obtain higher rankings) is 3 clear-cut steps: 1 - install the CommentLuv plugin. 2 - install the KeywordLuv plugin. 3 - Install the DoFollow plugin. And you're basically done! (read below for more detail).

Cool, eh? Not to difficult, right?

This allows you to attract and interact with many more MLM home business visitors than you normally would because again you are giving them free "link juice" which basically helps increase their popularity, you get another follower to your blog plus a boost in popularity as well to help increase your rankings and PageRank. A win-win situation for all involved! (The only people who lose are those people without blogs and who haven't installed these plugins to convert their blog into a DoFollow blog). blogs are setup by default to give significantly less "link juice" to exterior sites which means people really don't receive any substantial advantage by commenting on your post. So they have to go out of their way to comment and interact, really only benefiting the blog owner.

People simply can't afford the time to interact for so little return. So therefore, you are able to provide a great place for others to network and grow - and a passive means at that - you just continue putting up good, worthy posts & others will help boost your rankings by commenting more and more on your blog content (be sure to interact with them and reply back of course as this is a great way to network - and these people are still coming to you automatically, without you having to solicit them!).

One other Vital MLM Home Business Step to Boost PageRank, Traffic & Visitors:

You can join the action and continue to increase your exposure, popularity and get link juice for your site by visiting other DoFollow-enabled blogs that allow you to post a comment on a post which will then give you a backlink for your site each time you do it.

So rather than me try to re-explain exactly how to go about installing these plugins and the technical aspects of them, let me refer you to another blog where I first learned of these tactics.

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