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Three Little Known Facts About Irvine Auto Insurance

Three Little Known Facts About Irvine Auto Insurance

It is no secret that Irvine auto insurance premiums are based on the driver and the automobile. Drivers know their age, gender and driving record directly affects the price they pay for insurance. These same drivers have discovered expensive, sporty vehicles cost more to insure. However many people will be surprised to learn where they live, the safety and maintenance record of the car or truck they buy and their credit scores also affect this cost.

Insurance companies keep detailed and accurate records of accidents and insurance claims. The state, county, city, zip code and subdivision break down this information. When the applicant's address is input into the Irvine auto insurance company's computer system, the premium is automatically adjusted for the street address. This information, which includes stolen vehicles and vandalism, is continually updated.

The make and model of any automobile directly affect the cost of Irvine auto insurance. Calculations include built-in safety features and maintenance issues. Safety features are items like seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones, tire pressure monitors and antilock brakes keeping people safe during accidents or reducing the chances of a collision. Antitheft devices protect vehicles from being stolen. Anytime a vehicle is recalled by the manufacturer for repairs or upgrades, like door locks, which open during a rollover or an accelerator that sticks, insurance providers make a notation in their file. These automobiles have a greater chance of expensive claims.
Three Little Known Facts About Irvine Auto Insurance

Credit scores are routinely used to gauge a person's chances of having an insurance claim. As statistics have proven people with high credit scores, have fewer insurance claims, individuals with poor credit scores may be charged almost twice as much for the same amount of Irvine auto insurance coverage. Improving credit scores is a way to save money every year. 35% this score is based on how consumers pay their bills. Bills paid on time or before they are due are given a positive number while one 30-day late payment can lower a 680 credit score by 60 to 80 points. The amount of debt carried constitutes 30% of this numeric figure. To get the highest ratings consumers should carry no more than 35% of the total balance allowed on their credit cards. For example, if a credit card has a limit of $10,000, the amount of monthly charges should not exceed $3500.

By understanding these three little known facts about Irvine auto insurance, drivers can make minor adjustments to reduce this necessary cost of mobile freedom. Although moving may not be an option, researching vehicles to find those with the highest safety ratings before purchasing a different car or truck and increasing credit scores will save money every year. After all, carefree motoring is the goal of every vehicle owner and operator.

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