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subject: Getting Your Smile Straight With An Inman Aligner [print this page]

If you are searching for a new and improved technique for your teeth, then using an Inman aligner is one of the alternatives. This is one of the newer tools that are being used for adults that dont want to use braces but need a solution or teeth that are not straight. This quick and effective method for straightening teeth can then assist you in a better look while helping you to get your smile straightened.

The Inman aligner is mainly used through cosmetic dentists and is sometimes recommended by those who are using the tool for hygiene and prevention. This device works similar to braces but doesnt have the metal attached and is nearly invisible. For adults that need their teeth straightened and which dont want to have the attached looks is the ability to use these for a different look while helping to get the right straightening.

Not only is the appearance of the Inman aligner different, but is also more flexible then braces. Similar to a retainer, this particular device can be taken out of your mouth at certain times. If it is uncomfortable or if you only need certain times to adjust your teeth, then using the aligner by removing it when needed can assist you with a better look. Even though this is one of the alternatives, you will usually not be required to use this specific device for more than 12 weeks as the technology used can help you to adjust your teeth even more.

The Inman aligner will work in two different areas of your teeth to get the right results. The first comes from a spring that is in the back of the device. This will add light pressure to your teeth so they can begin to straighten. This is furthered by a front area that will also squeeze your teeth so they can straighten. Custom made aligners are made dependent on your problem. For instance, if there is a gap in your teeth, then the focus will be on moving your teeth through specific springs in the aligner so the gap is filled and your teeth straighten.

Understanding the newer technology that is available for your teeth can help you to get the best results for your smile. If you are looking for a flexible and simplistic way to alter the gaps, overbite, under bite or crooked teeth, then the Inman aligner is one of the options. Finding an Inman aligner Welwyn Garden City dentist is one of the alternatives to help you get the straight smile that you have always wanted.

by: brookeh

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