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subject: ForeverGreen Reps Can Generate Leads Online with Versativa Lead Co-Op [print this page]

ForeverGreen Reps Can Generate Leads Online with Versativa Lead Co-Op

ForeverGreen Reps Can Generate Leads Online with Versativa Lead Co-Op

Day after day more ForeverGreen Reps are achieving MLM success by way of the Versativa lead co-op which will generate leads online for the company distributors. Versativa's lead co-op was developed by and is managed by online network marketing trailblazer Yo Fujikawa. Fujikawa has been involved in MLM businesses for over 12 years and has had unprecedented success in constructing an online marketing mega-empire. Not only did he put his life on hold to join with Versativa, he took charge of the leadership position of pushing traffic to the Versativa corporate website. It is from there that he examines the quality of each lead before releasing them to the Versativa and/or ForeverGreen co-op member distributors.

As all MLM leaders already know, generating leads is probably the single most difficult road block to triumph over in this genre of business. If you're new to home based business, you've certainly hit up all of your friends and relatives to show them your plan. You've probably felt like an idiot at times when they look at you like you're goofy and tell you to go get a real line of work. Many of us have been told by "successful" home business top earners that we should be goal driven and to forget about all those folks and to locate the next one in order to become one of the MLM success stories.

I'll be the first to agree that you must create some goals, stick them on your mirror and use them as your core leverage tools to encourage you. I'd also be the first to admit that there may be days when you can easily let yourself feel crushed and down; especially when you aren't able to generate leads online. And, as a final point, I admit that when you run into folks who think you're crazy and that MLM is a pyramid scheme, you should move on. But why do this to yourself daily? Why expose yourself to this pessimism more than you ought to?

You shouldn't. Check with your home based business customer service. Probe whether or not they use a true lead co-op. If they don't, yet you only struggle in your MLM despite the back up you may receive from your upline, you should re-evaluate your position. Do the research and locate a company that is flourishing which has a true lead co-op. This is where you will lobtain qualified leads to grow your business beyond anything you've seen prior.

As we continue to move into a new chapter of online home based business, innovation is going to be crucial in achieving MLM success. Versativa fits in this brave new world of online network marketing through putting their lead co-op on the front line and making it reachable for all of their ForeverGreen as well as Versativa distributors . If your online business refuses to do the same for you, know that Versativa continues to generate leads online that are fresh for their distributors offering you the chance to join a company where you can be part of the Hemp business revolution!

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