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Earth Changes and the Gimme Kids

Earth Changes and the Gimme Kids

Earth Changes and the Gimme Kids

by Connie H. Deutsch

By now we've all come to realize that the earth changes that we've been hearing about for decades, are now upon us. We used to see these raggedly-looking men standing on street corners wearing these huge sandwich signs saying, "The end is near. Repent." No one paid much attention to them because we were still "The Great Society" and government was giving a helping hand, not a handout.
Earth Changes and the Gimme Kids

Volcanic eruptions were relegated to the ancient city of Pompeii in Italy, not to St. Helens in this country in modern times. We didn't even hear of tsunamis; now they are everyone's concern. In a vague sort of way we knew that there were cyclones and tornadoes but they were in the Midwest during a particular time of year. Now we hear of them coming in an atypical pattern, at odd times of the year, and much more frequently.

Between biblical references, the Mayan calendar, the study of cycles, psychic prophesies, and astrological predictions, we have been expecting these earth changes for many centuries. With everything that is now going on in the world in terms of governments being toppled by angry citizens who are demanding better paying jobs and the elimination of unjust laws, dictators sending out the militia to gun down protesters; bank failures, scams cropping up in the midst of any disaster, and a whole host of other earth-shattering crises, the earth changes that have been presaged for centuries, are now unfolding.

It's not beyond the realm of probability that we will have widespread food and gas shortages. Nations will have to endure the loss of electricity, water, sewage, housing, and medical supplies. And in the midst of this, we are seeing the Gimme kids.

The Gimme kid can be someone of any age because it just applies to anyone who has entitlement issues. We see it in Congress in the form of earmarks; we see it in people who run up large credit card debt with purchases that they want but don't need, and we see it in people who embezzle funds from the company that employs them. But most of all, we see it in the future leaders of our country, our children who think the world owes them a living and their parents who allow them to get away with this mindset.

I was in the supermarket the other day and there were these two little kids, one about five and the other about nine, and both of them were crying and screaming. They wanted their mother to buy them candy and assorted snacks and she kept saying no, she couldn't afford it. The louder they cried and carried on, the more harried she looked. When they saw that she was weakening, they cried even louder until she finally put back some food items that were in her basket and gave into their demands for candy and snacks.

When children see their parents being self-indulgent, the example is clearly set in their minds and they learn, by example, to resort to whatever tactics work for them to get what they want. In thinking about the earth changes that are occurring with greater frequency and with much more tumultuous consequences, I keep thinking that if we have to leave our homes in a hurry, taking with us only the necessities to keep us alive, what will these Gimme kids do without their "toys?"

It's one thing to think about these things in the abstract and it's another thing to come face to face with them. I hope that our Gimme kids and their parents can make the transition quickly and not endanger themselves and their families by running back to their homes to get their computers and cell phones, especially since they won't have the electricity to power them. We need to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best and this means that we need to foster a sense of responsibility in our children and in ourselves.

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