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Does The Pure African Mango Extract Really Work?

Does The Pure African Mango Extract Really Work?

The pure african mango extract is said to be the miracle pill inside your medicine cabinet. It is such a strong statement for something that has just been newly introduced in the market. People can help but wonder if this is another form of aggressive marketing strategies applied by its manufacturers. It draws more concern for those concerned individuals that are currently suffering from obese related illnesses. The statement may surely make them pretty excited and want to rush to the nearest health store or order online. But, they may be so used to the barrage of aggressive marketing ploys presented by manufacturers. After trying it out they end up disappointed and still the same old heavy individual as they used to be.

The question of whether the African supplement really works or not can be answered by the clinical studies performed by researchers. The product has actually been in the hands of professionals over the past 20 years. Intensive and multiple clinical studies were performed to enable the product to have a more solid base. It would not just be hearsay or empty talk but pure and solid results to silence all the skeptics.

A 10 week clinical study was performed on 102 overweight and healthy people. They were told to keep their usual eating habits and exercise routine. They were divided into two groups with one group taking 150 mg of pure african mango extract twice a day before meals while the other half was given a placebo. At the end of the study, the group that took the extract lost 28 lbs while the placebo group showed little or no change at all. Not only did the seed extract group lose weight but they showed lower LDL cholesterol by as much as 27.3%, with the placebo group at 4.8% lowered LDL. A small percentage of the study group had noted complaints on headaches, sleep problems and flatulence. But, these negative reactions are said to be rare.
Does The Pure African Mango Extract Really Work?

Not only does the seed extract make you lose weight but it also suppresses you appetite by making the fat hormone Leptin more sensitive. Leptin is the one responsible for sending signals to the brain if you are full or not. So even if you have not eaten the hormone informs your brain that you are full, in effect it inhibits your hunger. Other results showed lessened circumference on the waist line by as much as 6 inches, reduced blood glucose levels, increase adiponectin and C-reactive proteins.

To top it all, the extract also gives you increased vitality to sustain you though your ordinary day to day activities while keeping you away from fatigue at the same time. By shedding off the excess weight you also reduce your risk of obese-related illnesses such as lung problems, cancer, diabetes, dementia, migraines, erectile dysfunction and heart disease. Of course you would be able to get more than that because you get to live healthy. Although the taking of pure african mango extract can give you all the benefits without having to change your diet or perform exercises, it would be best to do so to achieve optimum results and a healthier you.

Discover more about African Mango diet pills atAfrican Mango Advanced Review or visit this website:

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