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subject: Do Your Current Adwords Ads Suck? Here Is The Solution [print this page]

Do Your Current Adwords Ads Suck? Here Is The Solution

If you know how to write great classified ads, then you can write terrific ad copy for any PPC campaign, and yes that means Google Adwords, too. Knowing what elements comprise effective ad copy, plus some tricks that you can learn, will take you far with your Adwords adventure. Continue reading if you need some help with improving your PPC campaigns; we have a few useful ad copy tips to offer.

Keywords and their phrases are extremely important when you're crafting ad copy for PPC. You can get a good idea about how you should write by studying other PPC ads in your particular market. Some marketers think they need to get overly creative with their ads, and that is just not true at all. The headline is only to stop the reader, and then make that reader want to read your ad. Whenever you use Google and search for something, then the returns show up with blue links all over the place? Your ad has enough to worry about with all the blue links and everything else on the first page of the SERPS. If your ad doesn't have any highlighted blue keywords, then it's because your ad copy does not include the keywords that the searcher was looking for. If you want the highest quality score possible, then be sure to use your keywords in your ads - that simple. Besides that, the searchers will tend to ignore those ads that do not have the highlighted keywords in their ads. Always use your keywords in the ad body, always, and sometimes it's ok in the headline - if it works well. It's all about relevancy and quality score, and of course your CTR will impact your quality score.

Use as much of your ad as you can, and that includes the URL you display as there are ways to do that. If you take a look, you will see a lot of advertisers who are not doing this. But the fact is, your display URL does affect the response rate of your ad and increase or decrease the click-through-ratio. It's quite possible to have other helpful elements in the destination URL just as long as the primary domain is in both. Ok, use your keywords for different destinations and use them as a directory or folder as a backslash.

Stories are extremely powerful when told right, and while you don't quite have enough space in an ad, you can allude to experiences. If you can imply some kind of personal experience in an ad, then that is fine but remember you need to mention the product benefit, etc. So what you want to do then is make them think they can get the same great results you did.

These tips will help you to put more power into your Adwords ads which will result in higher conversions. The more ads you write and study, the better will be youir belief in yourself, and that is very important to your success.

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