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subject: Will Rising Gas Prices Affect Where and What You Eat This Summer? [print this page]

Will Rising Gas Prices Affect Where and What You Eat This Summer?

Will Rising Gas Prices Affect Where and What You Eat This Summer?

In Minnesota we have seen the cost of gas prices increase from $3.13 to $3.54 per gallon. Across the nation we are seeing similar price hikes. In my earlier article I stated that gas is predicted to hit $4.00 per gallon by the end of spring. Today this looks like reality. By the end of the year $5.00 a gallon may be reached. As gas prices increase, everyone's pocket book will take an enormous hit, as this affects everything we do on a daily basis.

How will this affect your employer? Your employer won't be giving out raises will he? Rather he will need to cut back and in cutting back that means downsizing the work force. Do you think there is loyalty in the big companies to their employees? The only loyalty management will have is in the profits they report to their stock holders. After all, they have to protect there jobs don't they? What about the small business owner? The small business owner is already being hammered as they have trimmed their overhead down to bare minimums. They will have to lay off loyal employees just so their doors can remain open. So where do you turn to protect your families future?

Food Costs Raise Alarms
Will Rising Gas Prices Affect Where and What You Eat This Summer?

"Worldwide price hit 20 year high; experts forsee global poverty, starvation and riots" Associated Press March 03, 2012

Consider the groceries we need to keep our households running. The rising costs in fuel ads to the costs to transport the food we eat to the market. Will your grocer absorb the cost increase of bringing food to his store? No he won't, he can't! What about the cost you incur to go to the store to buy your groceries? With the cost of gas rising, your cost to shop is increasing daily!

We all enjoy dining out at restaurants don't we? If you listen to the news, restaurants are trying to hold their costs down just in order to get you in their door. With the cost of transportation rising, restaurants have no choice but to increase their prices. The economic climate is not improving for restaurants. Many have had to close their doors because we as consumers have cut back on dining out. Many more of your favorite restaurants will close their doors in the coming months.
Will Rising Gas Prices Affect Where and What You Eat This Summer?

This Expert Tells You Why 2012 Is The Year Of Financial Disaster

I talked earlier that there is a fantastic interview on the web that goes into detail about the instability in the world, and how it will affect us. The speaker is Lindsey Williams and he talks about the real truth, what is happening and why. The interview is about an hour in length. I highly recommend that you listen to what Mr. Williams has to say. Listen to the following interview at You Tube, search for: "Lindsey Williams lays down the Illuminati agenda for the world - Alex Jones 22/2/11 1/5"

The Future

As you move forward in 2011 think about how your purchasing power is shrinking. What does your job security look like for the future? If you are over 50 years old and unemployed, you are not the most attractive prospect for employers. We lose our job security the older we become. If your company starts down sizing or they close their doors, who will hire you? You see what the job market looks like today, will it change for the better tomorrow!? The future is knocking on your door, what will it look like when you answer? What back up plan do you have? Look at all the opportunities available that are available to you, allowing you to be dependant upon yourself. Ask yourself a couple of questions. What will you do, seek a better opportunity for financial freedom or just do nothing? What steps are you taking to improve your economic health? Do you believe your future will be better by doing nothing or do you get proactive and make a better future? Take the first step and look for opportunities that add to your life now, time is of the essence!

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