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Disability Tax Benefits for Scoliosis Syndrome

Scoliosis is a condition of spine or backbone that causes S-or-C- shaped sideways curve of spine. This medical condition mostly occurs during the fast growing period of child, in late childhood or early teenage year. Scoliosis is mainly classified into two categories, nonstructural scoliosis and structural scoliosis. Non-structural scoliosis, also known as functional scoliosis occurs when the structurally normal spine develops a lateral curvature due to some underlying causes. This type of scoliosis is a temporary condition and can be caused by several factors, such as muscle spasms, inflammation, prolapsed vertebral disk, or differences in leg lengths.

Structural scoliosis is a permanent spinal curvature and can be happened as a result of a number of factors. There are mainly three types of structural scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, and paralytic scoliosis. Scoliosis caused by unknown factors is known as idiopathic scoliosis and this is the most common type of scoliosis. Congenital scoliosis is the curving of the spine that is occurred by the abnormal development of vertebra. Paralytic scoliosis can be caused by cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, spinocerebellar degeneration, syringomyelia, tumors, and various other neuromuscular conditions.

Scoliosis can lead to several signs and symptoms, including irregular shoulders, unequal waist, one shoulder blade is elevated than the other, and one hip is high than the other hip. In the advanced form of scoliosis, the spine can be twisted or rotated, which in turn leads to the sticking out of ribs on one side. Likewise, the ribcage can compress the lungs and heart making it difficult for the heart to pump the blood. Serious form of scoliosis can result in breathing problems and back pain. Mild scoliosis typically does not have any have any evident symptoms. If not treated properly, scoliosis can lead to the development of arthritis of spine.

Treatment for scoliosis is typically decided on the basis of severity, pattern, and location of the spinal curve and the maturity of bones. Moderate scoliosis in children can be managed by wearing a back brace. It should be noted that wearing a brace cannot alleviate the curve or eliminate scoliosis. Severe spinal scoliosis may require a surgical intervention, known as spinal fusion surgery.

It is not easy for scoliosis patients, especially the children and teenagers, to cope with the physical changes associated with scoliosis. They may have to face many social and emotional problems and may feel fear, anger, and insecurity. Scoliosis is recognized as a disability by the Canadian Government and scoliosis patients are eligible to get the Canadian Government disability tax benefits. T If you are a scoliosis patient and planning to apply for the disability tax benefits, it is advisable to seek assistance from a professional service like the Canadian Disability Corporation. They will guide you on how to apply for the benefits and will help you get your benefits quickly.
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