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subject: Politicians: traders of your interests to promote their own interests! Part II [print this page]

Politicians: traders of your interests to promote their own interests! Part II

Politicians: traders of your interests to promote their own interests! Part II

Politicians: traders of your interests to promote their own interests! Part II

All are first class liars and professional ones at that, they never, never keep their promises, why should they, dressed up always in the costumes of the Devil. Devils themselves for they are out to build their fame and glory on your corps. Capitalist politicians and socialist ones, are all the same.

Look at the Zulu carnivore Obama, or the Lilliputian Sakozy or the clown Berlusconi, or even the cockroach Putin or the rat Jintao, all are dressed up in the Devil's costume. Their only ambition, even purpose in life, is how to dominate their people; how to have the upper decision, with or without your consent.

They do not know God for they are themselves gods. They do not apply God's law for they have their own laws and apply it to you and the poor neglected people.

But, it is not the fault of these ungrateful ignorant bastards, rather it is your fault and the fault of your fellow-human-citizens to accept these imbeciles and applaud for them and raise them above your head.

Are you not the one who must have the right to decide for yourself? Don't have your own responsibility for your life and hence must decide for yourself?

Why leave the decision for others, especially these ignorant idiots? Are they better than you are? Are they better than their people? Are they more intelligent? Are they wiser? And you, where are you? You do not even exist! But they do!

Look at what Hitler has done! What Paul Pot has done! What Stalin has done! What Mao has done! What the Bush dynasty has done! What Obama, the Zulu warrior is doing! What the clown Sarkozy is doing! What bin Ladden is doing!What Kaddhafi is doing! What all dictators in the world, savage and civilized alike, are doing!

People must impose their will. For they are the ones who must decide for themselves their lives, their politics, their economy, their social affairs, and not the parasites feeding on them and deciding for them. It is very simple and direct. It can only be done through referendums. If the Swiss people can do it everybody can!

It is when you decide for your own self and do not let others decide for you your life and destiny that you become a human being!

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