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My Kids Bedding Promotional Codes: Making Bedtime Fun For Kids And Parents

My Kids Bedding Promotional Codes: Making Bedtime Fun For Kids And Parents

When it's time to move your child into his own bed from a crib, purchasing a new bed for his very own use may be a financial strain, and easy to put off for later. Don't put it off too long, though. A growing toddler may feel confined during the night and climb out and hurt himself. Or he may just get too used to his crib and refuse to move at all. Do what any shopping-savvy parent would do and make use of coupons to cushion the blow to your budget - My Kids Bedding promotional codes are especially helpful, not only in lowering your expenses, but also by providing you with a wider range of kid-friendly products to choose from.

It's really no wonder children fight this change tooth and nail. After all, it's one of the biggest and scariest changes in a child's life, and most of the time, it is also one of the first that he must face. Transferring from his comfortable, secure crib into a bed without walls must be strange at the least and nerve-wracking at the worst.

However, with a little patience and some loving encouragement, most kids are able to make the transition with a minimum amount of stress and tears.

Start by trying to get the child exited about his new bed. Talk to him about moving into a new bed, making use of your own bed as an example. If he has older siblings, maybe pointing out that they also sleep in beds is more effective. Make it known to him that it's fun, exciting, and a step towards being counted as a "big boy/girl".

Show him pictures of children sleeping in "big boy beds", and get him involved in shopping for the bed and the items that will go on it. Never mind if it means getting three Buzz Lightyear blankets that all look alike. If he feels involved in the process, he's less likely to feel forced into the change, and may lessen his resistance. Plus, a themed bed decked out in pillows, sheets, comforters, and blankets of his choice will serve as a motivational tool.

You can go with him to a store to look at these beds and beddings before purchasing any so that he has a more real idea of what it will be like. But don't forget to be ready with your collection of My Kids Bedding promotional codes, just so you can get him the stuff that he really wants at a lower cost.

On the first night that he's ready to sleep in the new bed, stick to your old routine as much as possible. Tuck him in at his regular bedtime, and maybe stay and cuddle with him for a while. Tell him how proud you are of him, and how big he's grown now that he's no longer a baby.

If he has a tendency to wander, leave the nightlight on for him. This will also help make the wide-open space feel less scary. In the morning, make sure to be generous with your praise, and stick to this routine for a few days to make him feel how important this accomplishment is.

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