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subject: Get Paid Now With Freight Bill Factoring [print this page]

In todays rough economic environment, nothing is more important than getting paid for the services you provide. The same applies for cash intensive companies like trucking and freight businesses. In these lines of businesses, it can often take nearly two months before the company sees any payment for the services that have already been provided. In that time, bills must be paid with money you have not received. Drivers must be compensated and the costs of fuel, maintenance, insurance, and repairs must be covered. These expenses are a constant drain on finances.

Waiting thirty to sixty days for payment can be challenging for any trucking or freight company, and can leave any business struggling to stay afloat. Some business owners turn to bank financing to supplement their cash flow, but banks rarely provide finance to small companies. This is not the solution to chronic financial problems. It is simply an expensive band-aid.

Freight bill factoring can help ease cash flow problems for any business. Freight bill factoring is the purchase of freight bills for cash. This is also a way for a freight company to be paid immediately for the work they have done, whether or not the shipper pays on time. Freight bill factoring offers quick payment and provides companies with crucial working capital. Freight bill factoring provides a predictable and reliable flow of cash that eliminates the uncertainty of customer payment. As opposed to other types of financing, freight factoring is easy to obtain and can be set up in a few days.

Cash factoring is based on individual company needs. A business can choose which invoices to factor in order to generate daily cash flow as needed. Invoices can be factored regularly or on occasion when the company needs a quick inflow of money. Freight bill factoring can offer cash funds to a business within twenty-four hours of serving the invoice.

For a quick resolution to the financial dry-spell between invoice and income, trust a reliable factoring company. Bay View Funding has been strongly committed to providing businesses with quick, convenient factoring to solve cash flow challenges. For nearly thirty years, they have served thousands of companies, throughout a wide range of industries, and helped them grow and prosper.

Bay View offers unique features like the secure 24/7 On-line Client Center where businesses can monitor every aspect of a factored account. Bay View offers factoring lines of credit up to $2.5 million, advance rates of up to 97 percent and rates as low as 5%. Their freight bill factoring programs can completely takeover billing, collections, and customer credit monitoring, so you can focus on running and growing your company.

by: Ava.hudson

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