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subject: Why Should We Stop Using Ptc Sites? [print this page]

Why Should We Stop Using Ptc Sites?

Let us talk something about PTC a site, which is paid to click programs. Here I would like to share my ideas with PTC sites. Many people now a days using PTC sites to earn some extra cash part-time and online. Although there are lot scams in this type of money making program, there are many good ptc sites are also there. These sites are stable, offer instant payments to your paypal and are not designed to make you fool.

If that is so, then why am I writing this article? Because, this is not only way to earn online. There is no limit in online internet business opportunities. You can not even imagine that how many people got how much success with the online business. I am not saying to stop using PTC, just sharing some ideas and tips. Let me ask some questions, of course I will answer them.

Why we are using PTC?

Ans. To earn some extra cash online, right? Another reason is it is the simplest way to make money online.

Now my question is, if you are serious about making money online then why just PTC? There are lots of options available on Internet to earn online. You make also think about

Ebay and Amazon affiliation

Affiliation marketing for digital products (Offers highest commision available on internet business).

Google Adsense. Earning money from your blog visits.

Direct banner advertising on your blog or website.

Although you must have your blog for any of the above option to start earning online, its worth to seriously think about it.

What is wrong with PTC?

Nothing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with PTC with some awareness about scams. What you do in ptc is open your ptc account daily and click on 4 to 5 ads. Stable and genuine PTC sites generally offers around 4 to 5 ads a day. You will not stop here. You will go ahead, find more ptc sites, register more account and will try to earn as much as possible, right? Now your single PTC account will use around 10 minutes of your time. If you register for 10 PTC sites, you work around 100 Minutes a daily, right? At the end of the month what you earn is just a few dollars ( if you have not purchased any referal packages).

Why to stop using PTC?

Simple. To get most of you online time. You can earn much extra money as compared to PTC by simply working online from home for about 100 minutes a day. You can start with your free blog from blogger or wordpress and select any of the above option to start your online business. Well, its time consuming and will require some patients (because you are going to earn more money). In initial phase of your blog it would be hard to get visitors traffic and income from Adsense of affiliation, but not to worry. Experts have proven that hard work and patient will never let you look down.

I strongly recommend not to waste your precious time behind these PTC sites for just few bucks a month. Think big and grow rich. Keep visiting my make money online blog and stay up to date with latest ideas and tips to make money online.

by: Raj Sharma

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