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subject: Custom Lapel Pins Help Raise Money to Preserve Your Local Museum [print this page]

Custom Lapel Pins Help Raise Money to Preserve Your Local Museum

Custom lapel pins are a great fundraiser for your local museum. You can offer them in your gift shop as a memento of your group or family's visit. You can also use them to get your name out in the public and draw attention to the museum and its needs.

Treasure Hunts Bring People In

A sponsored museum night is a fun way to get people interested in history. You can place lapel pins all around the building and have a treasure hunt to see who collects the most pins. The winner can be awarded a free monthly pass to the museum. Members of the community will come out in droves once they learn that there is a prize involved. In fact, you're likely to gain the interest of the press as well which is great for publicity purposes. If your museum needs renovations, this is a great way to find donors.

Custom Card Stock Makes Great Presentation Options

Museum lapel pins look great when they are attached to custom card stock. This presentation option makes them easy to sell or giveaway. Additional information about a particular piece of artwork or historical figure can be included on the card stock as a way of elaborating on a pin's design. This helps make these items highly collectible. People love the idea of purchasing or winning entire sets of pins.

Pins As Educational Tools

Teachers and other types of educators can use the pins as an education tool in the classroom. Children respond well to visual examples of facts and figures. If they see a lapel pin featuring a noted historian on it, they have a better chance of retaining information about that individual. If they read the information printed on the card stock, they have one more way to recall important dates in history.

Museum lapel pins have a number of uses. In fact, there are probably a few that we failed to mention. If you're looking for a way to get the word out about your historical society, visit We're here to help you in any way that we can.

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