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Strategies To Make Google Work For You Revealed

According to statistics, more than 80% of all internet searches worldwide go through one of the major search engines. And the biggest one of these search engines is, of course, Google. Therefore, it is very important for any webmaster to learn the best strategies for working with Google.

Before beginning to optimize a website for Google, it is important to realize that it takes time to get to the top of the search engine. In addition, Google is known for changing its algorithms-meaning that they could, at any time, change some of the criteria in ranking sites for search terms. In other words, your website could be on top one day, then it could be on page four then next if there is an algorithm change.

Despite this, there are several very good techniques you can try to make Google work for you and to get your website to the top. Here are some good ideas that you can use:

- Work on optimizing each page for only one or two keywords or key phrases. Trying to do any more than this is not worth your time because there is too much competition for the top rankings.

- Make sure that your keywords or key phrases are included in your page headlines and the main copy on the page. In the copy, try to use the keywords or key phrases in the first paragraph as well as a few more times throughout the copy. Aim for around 5% keyword density.

- Remember that Google cannot see pictures or banners; therefore, change the alt text. This is the text that the user sees when the mouse hovers over the picture or banner. You can either simply use a keyword or key phase for your alt text or you can write a simple caption.

- Focus on contributing good, solid content on a regular basis. Strong content will always help you to rank higher on Google.

There are also a lot things that you definitely should not do when you are trying to get Google to work for you:

- Don't use free web hosting. Google often eliminates the content from free hosting providers when ranking search results, fair or not. So it is best to avoid using these hosts.

- Don't use concealed text. Some webmasters have tried using invisible text, thinking that they can fool Google. It doesn't work.

- Don't use keyword stacking. While using keywords and key phrases is a good thing, if you use them too often on the same page, it is considered keyword stacking. Google frowns on pages like this and will not index them.

- Don't use keyword stuffing. This is very similar to keyword stacking; however, instead of repeatedly using relevant keywords, webmasters stuff pages with unrelated keywords. If Google happens to find a large amount of irrelevant content on a web page, it will consider the page to be spam.

With good content for your keywords or key phrases and by following the suggestions above, your website will fit in well with Google's ranked searches. And, with a little time, you will more than likely see your website rise to the front page.

by: James Trent

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