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Australia Trip a Dream Come True Experience

Australia Trip a Dream Come True Experience

Australia is wonderful continent and has galore of attractions and destinations which will make you fall in love as you visit and explore. This gorgeous continent is very enticing and is visited by the tourists from the every nook and corner of the word. This continent is very diverse in nature, from alluring majestic mountains to the sun kissed coasts with unsurpassed surfs; truly speaking Australia is astounding amazingly. This day dream destination offer you the wonders like Great Barrier Reef, Blue Mountains, Opera House and many fabulous destinations truly are sheer wonder which will really cast a magical spell on the visitors heart and hook them to visit again and again.

The attractions and the destinations which will make your Australia trip a dream come true experience and doubles the treat on your journey to Australia and offer a memorable trip are listed below:

Great Barrier Reef:
Australia Trip a Dream Come True Experience

This is the most protected marine site in the world and one of the most visited tourist spots in Australia. Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the entire world. This reef is stretched in the area of 86 million acres along the coast of North East of Australia. This is bliss for the divers and the visitors also can enjoy the superb natural beauty of marine life. This site will truly make you go crazy and hook to this continent forever.

Chinese Garden of Friendship

The lush garden in Sydney is other attractions will make your heart go crazy; this garden was built in the year 1988 and was gift made to the capital of Australia the Sydney by the city of Guangzhou on the occasions of the Australian Bicentenary. This garden reflects that of the imperial parks of the Zhang dynasty of 1000 BC. The attractions which truly wonder the visitors here are the Water Pavilion of Lotus Fragrance, Dragon Wall, tea house and many alike. There is point in the garden from where you can explore the whole beauty of the gardens.

Sydney Opera House

This iconic building is located in the Sydney and is truly the crowning glory of the Australia tourism. This attraction truly steals the show of yours as when touring to Australia. This marvel architect stands on the Bennelong Point near the renowned Sydney Harbor which truly entices the visitors from the every nook and corner of the world.

Bondi Beach

Bondi beach is one of the famous beaches in the world, its azure water, warm sand and the sun peeping palm trees attracts the visitors from the world. The beach is very famous among the couples where they turn up here for their fun filled holiday.

Sydney Tower

This is the tallest tower in the Sydney and very worth to visits, the coffee house and the restaurant in this tower is the place to enjoy some time. The opportunity to view this town and its surroundings from the top offer you a panoramic view of Sydney. Don't ever forget to take your camera as you get a wonderful chance to capture some images along with your self poising in different style. Several Australia tour packages are made available by the tour operators which offer you to explore all these beautiful attractions with luxury and comfort.

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