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subject: Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! Part 11 [print this page]

Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! Part 11

Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! Part 11

Yes, that's correct...the title says it all: Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! This is the eleventh part in a series of articles about that dirty word: Selling!

As this series of pieces about selling winds down, I cannot decide if it should be an even dozen, or the lucky for some and unlucky for others: 13, or perhaps 14 would be better...because it is one third of 42, which is the "answer to the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything!"

Anyway, here are some more tips and tidbits about selling!

When you are selling anything at all, you have to realize that when someone says "no" they are not rejecting you, or saying they don't like you, or believe just might be that they cannot afford it, right now! They might be worth asking again at a later time. For those who make it clear that they are not interested now or in the future, then that is fine too! It is better for people to be honest with you!

I always "say what I mean," and "mean what I say," and I think everyone should do the same! If someone is selling something and the other person is not the least bit interested, then they should somehow get up the courage to say so! Communication is so important in this life, and what is really sad is that the kids of today are NOT learning how to communicate well, in fact, their whole generation will be in trouble one day! But that is a whole other topic! sure has some great information, don't they? Keep checking there whenever you need anything!

Now, when it comes to selling to strangers, don't be afraid that they will punch you for asking them if they want to buy this or that, the worst thing that can happen is that they will say no, or if they are polite and do as their parents taught them, long ago, they will say "No, Thank You."

My name is Father Time, of a self-help writer and speaker, and I also sell powerful and effective good luck charms and amulets that really work! Does everyone buy them? Of course not, some people are creeped out by them, and some people are not aware that they really work! But that's fine, that is part of selling!

Now, in all 50 of the United States, Self-Defense Pepper Sprays are completely legal, although they are not sold on every corner and everywhere you go, so that makes a great earnings opportunity for someone who might want to peddle them around their town. In MA, MI, NY, and WI they have very specific laws as to where you can buy them, and we cannot ship them there, and since they go by UPS ground, Alaska and Hawaii are out, but for the other 44 states, you can get some of these at wholesale, and then sell them for a CASH profit!

Will everyone buy them? Of course not, as some people are afraid of them, some people think they don't need them, and some might not have an extra twenty bucks to spare. Anyway, these self-defense pepper sprays are great sellers and an awesome way to earn extra CASH when you want to, and we can provide YOU with Some Pepper Sprays at Wholesale for YOU to resell at a CASH profit! Only if you want to try!

Selling can be a very fun and rewarding way to earn a living, and you also get to help people, especially when you sell something useful, or something that people really need and want! So, get out there and make some money and have some fun with it!

If you need a Daily Dose of Motivation, come sign-up for my Daily Motivational Message, and I will happilygive you a FREE subscription!

Until next time, keep smiling, keep selling, and keep enjoying your life!

Many Blessings!

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