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Because Trading Is The Thing We Do BEST

Because Trading Is The Thing We Do BEST

EFX has skyrocketed to become the most talked about program around. All this has been accomplished in less than 4 weeks time! That is pretty amazing if I must say so myself. New members are flocking to us daily. The program portfolio is growing extremely well. The overall stability and abilities of EFX, as a group, is sitting at a rating of 10 out of 10.

As most of you are aware, or at least can perceive, the ability of a portfolio to perform is most certainly increased the larger it grows. It works just like compounding interest. The larger the bankroll, the more options that become available and the higher the returns.

Some may ask, what does that have to do with the members, we are paid the same rate no matter what EFX earns? The answer is EVERYTHING!

We have spent enormous resources to create a totally unique script from scratch, provide the utmost in security, host in the most secure and renowned Datacenter on the planet, continually improve and update our program and advertise to ensure the success of the whole endeavor. Our out of pocket expense is well beyond 6 figures. We did not go to this extreme to simply provide the members with a nice website and some extra income. Profit, for members and ourselves, is only one agenda. The future of our program stems from financial success. The more successful we are as a financial entity, the more success we can mutually accomplish as a group. You want us, Dantex and EFX, to be successful. You need us to be successful. It should be your obligation as members to do your part to ensure our success. The Bottom-line is, our success is your success. We are doing our part to the best of our ability. ExoticFX is poised to become the undisputed number one investment program of all time. But honestly, that title is in your hands. There is only so much we can do alone. The membership will ultimately decide how far we can go. Personally, I feel that it is in your best interest to rally behind us, participate any way and every way you can, and make certain EFX exceeds even our own expectations. We have no problem creating the returns. That is the easy part. Read on to understand the exciting opportunity you will have to assist in achieving our mutual success as a collective group.

So what is in store for the future?

Like I said, future agendas stem from financial success. We feel, that as we provide for you this opportunity to rise above, to earn more, to begin to experience successes above those you have already accomplished, we can then move forward with additional opportunities. The time is really not now to be discussing them in depth, but we can begin to focus your attention in the right directions and provide for you a glimpse of what our future together might hold.

First, let's look at your financial beginning.

Exceeding your needs

If you are wise in your selections, and opt for the correct levels of compounding and reinvestment, you can structure your EFX account to provide, for you, a daily or weekly return substantial to sustain your way of life.

Your first goal with EFX, and what we want for you, is to match your current income stream. This will allow you enormous options in your lifestyle. By matching your current income, you will have effectively doubled your options. Be careful not to become overwhelmed by your new found wealth. Create savings, diversify your portfolio outside of EFX and above all prepare for what this future will hold for us all.

There is so much at stake globally. In order to keep up you need to subscribe to and be reading our blog. All our newsletters are located there, in addition to vast information concerning the situations that we all face as a planet. Do your homework, prepare your families and become self sufficient.

By doubling your income (matching your current level with our help) you will be in a great position to fulfill the needs of your family and to assist those around you when their needs cannot be met.

Increasing your Opportunities

The next major step forward will be to increase your opportunities. As we progress and attract more and more esteemed members, we will provide several new and exciting opportunities for you to prosper. The one I am most excited about is our online trading account.

In the future we will begin an invitational apprentice program whereby we will train you to trade directly in the Forex and other markets. Again, with ZERO risk. Thru this apprentice program, you will be able to select from the recommended trades and invest using our bankroll. You will keep all the profits minus the small spread. We will determine trades that we are willing to finance. We will include the minimum/maximum buys, stops and sell points and teach you, without risk, how to become a self sufficient day or swing trader.

Our focus will be on the development of our members through multiple contact points, consisting of classrooms, trading rooms, educational manuals, videos and proprietary market indicators that will provide our apprentice invitees with a clear trading advantage.

Once they have acquired the appropriate knowledge, understanding and successes they will want to engage in even more rewarding opportunities, both available via EFX and other entities.

I have been asked several times why we deliver the type of market analysis we send out when it is not necessary for our program. The answer is basically explained above. We want you to become self sufficient. We want you to become successful beyond your current achievements. We want you to achieve your goals and dreams. But most importantly, we want you to be in a position to contribute to the situations we all will face as this global economic meltdown destroys everything we have become accustomed to, our very way of life. As you begin to envision the future we are exposing, some will wonder if we are extremists. Perhaps we are. But, that doesn't change anything. Take from EFX what suits you and discard the rest. Use our program to accomplish your own agenda. We are most interested in those willing to see past the nose on their face, educate themselves, open their eyes, review the facts and then react.

We are attempting to lead you in a direction that will enable you to First, to achieve your financial goals. Second, to become self sufficient. Third, to be in a position to care for your family, friends and acquaintances that refuse to admit they are drowning until their lungs are full of water. And fourth, to become a contributor to the restructuring and the rebuilding that is certainly to follow in the next few years.

Ok, so now I have opened the door to the scrutiny of those that have lungs not yet filled. Like I said, we are most interested in those willing to see past the nose on their face, educate themselves, open their eyes, review the facts and then react. EFX may not be to your liking. Again, that changes nothing. Take from us whatever suits you and simply discard the rest. The Global economy is not headed for a meltdown, we are in a meltdown. The time is now for you to learn, earn and grow.

I highly recommend that you watch this video

Read our Blog and educate yourselves, whether you see a threat or not. We will provide for our members a safe haven, a diversification and an education if they want it. The choice is yours.

Perhaps now is the time to change one of our slogans to

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