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Increasing Positive Online Reviews and Buzz

Increasing Positive Online Reviews and Buzz

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In this day and age, everyone lives on the support, recommendations and testimonials of the friends and business contacts. People are so skeptical about SEO tactics and faux social media profiles that they are more inclined to follow the advice of people they know than to trust search results or social media that they unfamiliar with.

So, what is a small business person to do in order to create buzz and recommendations? You could easily just create a stack of social media location and geo-based places across search engines. Or, alternatively it is very possible to do a could of different things to generate positive buzz and reviews on the Internet.

1. Write LinkedIn recommendations

You probably already have a fantastic resource of people who would be more than happy to give you and your business positive reviews and testimonials. They're your LinkedIn contacts. These can originally come from Gmail, but often, they'll be generated within the website itself. Writing recommendations for others is a simple process, it only takes ten minutes or so to put one together. You'll usually get a return rate of about 50%, even if you don't request them in return.

2. Ask for Yelp reviews

You don't need many. Because Yelp is so well respected, Yelp reviews are too. This means that a few good reviews here of your business can go a long way. Ask your personal contacts. These people will undoubtedly give you genuine testimonials. Try to get them to focus on your personal influence on the business.

3. Promote others in your networks

Many people are reluctant to use their Facebook profile or their Twitter account to promote others, but there's nothing wrong with this. Promoting others is fine as long as you are genuine. Giving other people play on your little part of the web will encourage them to do the same.

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