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Online Colleges for Physical Therapy

Online Colleges for Physical Therapy

Thephysical and occupational therapy degree has been getting a particular amount of attention recently as people turn to the rapidly-expanding branches of the healthcare industry, the largest growing field in the United States. Physical and occupational therapy has received more attention than other branches of healthcare due to the increasing amount of people living longer lifespans with the development of medicine, as well as the aging of the "baby boomer" generation. Despite this, finding a quality online physical therapy degree program might be a challenging task; the specialization is narrow, and online learning is an ever-developing field.physical and occupational therapy has received more attention than other branches of healthcare due to the increasing amount of people living longer lifespans with the development of medicine, as well as the aging of the "baby boomer" generation. Despite this, finding a quality online physical therapy degree program might be a challenging task; the specialization is narrow, and online learning is an ever-developing field.

The following five schools have excellent online physical and occupational therapy degree programs that prepare the prospective student for success in the healthcare workforce:

1.Ashworth University. Ashworth offers a bachelor's degree as a Physical Therapy Aide. Students learn how to assist people in wheelchairs, aid those suffering from osteoarthritis, operate an ultrasound machine, and other practical knowledge pertaining to the physical therapy field. Online students get to work with physical therapists that have already applied their meaningful labor to use in the workforce.

2.Utica College. The transitional physical therapy program offered at Utica College is designed for students that have earned their bachelor's degree or master's degree in physical therapy aide and would like to move on to a doctorate degree.

3.Penn Foster Career School. The Penn Foster Physical Therapy Aide program has over a ninety-percent satisfaction rate from students.

4.A. T. Still University. Designed for students that have already obtained a master's degree in healthcare, the doctoral program in physical therapy at A.T. Still University prepares the graduate for an advanced, doctoral-level position at a reputable hospital.

5.Boston University. The Boston University doctoral degree in Physical Therapy is also designed for students looking to advance to a doctoral position beyond their master's degree.

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