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Watch Dollhouse Seasons 1 & 2 Online Free

Dollhouse stars Eliza Dushku and has been created by Joss Whedon who brought us Buffy, Angel and Firefly. This show is about an organization for the mega rich which uses human beings to do their bidding, be it a love struck girl on a romantic weekend or a hostage negotiator. These people or 'dolls' have had their minds wiped and DNA altered in order that they are a blank canvas to have false memories and skills implanted into their brain so that they will be able to accomplish their task. Watch Dollhouse Seasons 1 & 2 Online Free Each 'doll' has a handler which accompanies them during their task, and after each assignment they are taken back for 'treatment' which will remove all memories of the event while they await the next task. The first episode focuses around Echo - played by Dushku and her involvement in a hostage negotiation. The Dolls are given memories from a number of different people in order to help them have the knowledge base to handle their task. The Dolls aren't infallible however, and with great knowledge comes imperfection. Her handler Boyd Langton, played by Harry J. Lennix (Commander in Chief, 24, E.R.) seems to struggle with the morality of what is happening in the Dollhouse almost from the outset; however I would say that he is just as unable to leave as Echo. . . As much as anything I think this is such a good drama show. I am all into conspiracy theories and trying to figure out who the bad guy is, and if you enjoy programmes like Bones, CSI and Cold Case I really think you will get drawn into Dollhouse. There are a lot of unanswered questions from the get go and I can see this shaping up to be a 'must see' show. As much as anything I think this is such a good drama show. I am all into conspiracy theories and trying to figure out who the bad guy is, and if you enjoy programmes like Bones, CSI and Cold Case I really think you will get drawn into Dollhouse. There are a lot of unanswered questions from the get go and I can see this shaping up to be a 'must see' show.

Watch Dollhouse Seasons 1 & 2 Online Free

By: Nisa Matthews

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