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Why You Won't Make Money Online

Why You Won't Make Money Online
Why You Won't Make Money Online

Author: Brett C

I've been reading some of my frequently visited blogs this morning and noticed the abundance of "quick money making" scams, which are inevitably prevalent in the online marketing industry. There's so much misdirection and shady business tactics that take place in this market and it never ceases to amaze the levels at which people will go to try to convince that their glorious system will make you rich over night.

I wanted to write a quick article, reiterating why most people will never make a successful living online, which is mostly to do with lack of quality, accessible information and illegitimate claims and "systems" to make you an overnight success.

I guess I can sum this post up in to five basic rules. They are as follows:

Rule # 1: Making money online is not easy and takes an excessive amount of time and quality research to learn methods of making a method work for you (which is a good segue to Rule #2).

Rule # 2: Not every method works for everyone. This is a very important point. Methods that "affiliate marketer A" could use, may produce substantially different results than that of "affiliate marketer B". This has to do with several key factors, including niche, product, visibility and other variable market factors. Finding a method that works for you is not a cookie cut solution and takes time to implement, test and review results.

Rule # 3: Never purchase a product from anyone that will claim to BOOST your income, SKYROCKET your website traffic, or make you a success over night. It simply doesn't happen and 99.9999% of the time they're all a scam. If any of these asinine claims were true, we'd all be rolling around in $200,000 cars and Million dollar homes. Becoming successful online is highly dependent on your ability to invest the time and be patient.

Rule #4: Don't get discouraged and find ways to maintain your motivation. Becoming discouraged is easy when the claims you've read online don't happen for you overnight. It's the typical over promise, under deliver and causes a terrible feeling to overcome the average person. Allowing discouragement to take over positive insight shuts down most online businesses before they even have a fighting chance at becoming something.

Rule #5: Online business is no different than brick and mortar. Building a profitable platform for revenue requires both a time and monetary investment. If you're not will to put some skin in the game, then you surely won't make money online. Ensure you're investing the required amount of time to give yourself a fighting chance at making money online. Don't fall for the get rich quick scams and complete adequate research prior to investing your hard earned dough in to the first system that promises the moon, sun and stars.

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