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subject: Footwear collection terminal information franchisee has know-how - shoes, footwear franchisee, shoes [print this page]

Footwear collection terminal information franchisee has know-how - shoes, footwear franchisee, shoes

Footwear collection terminal information franchisee has know-how - shoes, footwear franchisee, shoes

HC shoe net October 23 hearing, the overwhelming majority of successful franchisees in Taiwan before the boss, are rarely received systematic professional training, most of them learning by doing. This study, one is self-exploration, an experiment using his own; the other hand have to find some suitable learning objects. For example, Shoe Services for franchisees. Upstream business is good communication and learning objects. Study tour to learn more than just classes, but also in daily communication with the upstream business, reflecting the end Sell Information. Of course, the benefits of this learning is integrated. On the one hand reflects the terminal to the upstream business sales information, to facilitate enterprise restructuring-related marketing strategies and product strategies; the same time, as the shoes franchisee itself, from the perspective of their own business, looking for better sales performance improvement and effective program.

However, in most of the shoes seems franchisee, always feel the store has not reached the ideal state of business and sales tepid, not enough sales staff efforts and progress, or there is the upstream firm certain problems. Such as product design, marketing strategy, investment promotion, the price system, and the local market with some deviations. But the real root of where it is. Franchisee could not even,

Is feel bad. As a result, many franchisees friend to simplify the problem, not traced back to find out the cause, just cause and the responsibility will fall into to the external shifting: upstream companies complain about the price too high. Design style does not suit the local taste, Advertisement Inadequate publicity, promotional support to small and so on. In fact, such complaints, the company and franchisees do not do any good in itself, will only increase the business of the franchisee's negative image. That the franchisees themselves are not enough efforts and progress, and continues to dump the responsibility to the enterprise. Business really wants from the terminal with a real anti-good messages. Rational and objective feedback is sufficient, in order to make timely adjustments in business related products and marketing strategies.
Footwear collection terminal information franchisee has know-how - shoes, footwear franchisee, shoes

However. As a franchisee. Often lack the tools and methods can be effective information collection terminal. Even with such thoughts. Also difficult to implement, is that beyond its capability, or franchisees with their own views on a number of senses, as the terminal sales information to the upstream business. The terminal sales information. Often the franchisee's personal opinion, not representative of real consumer advice. Encourage franchisees to sell to the business end feedback information on this issue can not be designed using some sophisticated tools, the related sales information sorting. And a preliminary analysis. Obtained some results. Then the classification of information and analysis available to the enterprise. Then; as footwear franchisee, call to which tools and methods to close sales in the terminal management Rong information?

1, based on passenger flow Analysis Analysis of the daily passenger flow

mainly used to analyze the daily passenger flow and sales. Include: date, number of transactions into the store the day the number of vehicle transactions, turnover, the average single turnover. The proportion of men and women.

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