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subject: What do you want your child to become in the future? [print this page]

What do you want your child to become in the future?

What do you want your child to become in the future?

"Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness." Thomas Carlyle

Lots of parents weave dreams about what they would like their child to be; before their child can even be born. Some parents are ambitious or want to make sure their child does for them what they couldn't do for their parents irrespective of the clash that this might cause. Other parents would much rather not think leave alone talk about a topic of this sort till their child grows up. However there are some parents who carefully plan for their child's future step by step, observing carefully their child's natural inclination towards certain subjects, the way they follow up with that interest on TV or reading books about it. It is the job of a parent to nurture their child's interest and provide them with the information they need to think ahead of their age group. A career isn't something to be pursued at the last minute. In fact, it's something that a child's teachers, friends and off course you discover as the child grows up. In order to know what your child should become in the future depends on the plan that you have lined up for your child. A child fluctuates with regard to career goals several times before teenage. Till then very rarely is a career goal sincere because its either something they see on TV or like but there is no substance in terms of working towards it. There are a few children that gear themselves up from child hood because their parents have spoken to them so many times that it becomes an expectation that they are trained to fulfill. In such cases the parent's guide the child heavily. On the other hand for children who follow their own passions, make their own decisions but still require help with practical issues. Parents have a powerful influence in the development of their child's career. In the teens there also comes a phase where children tend to run for courses that they see their friends take up. This is where a parent must step into familiarizing the child with his or her natural inclinations and suggest courses in accordance to it so that they can find a vocation closest to their heart. These can be done in the following ways:

Expose your child to a variety of fields

Emphasize on your child's natural likes and dislikes

Encourage your child to diversify his opportunities

Encourage your child make sensible decisions and be responsible for them

If you are a parent and are worried about your child's admission in any of the Metro cities, OSA invites you to get online and assures you of doing all the admission related formalities for you right from giving you a choice of schools in through our online school directory to scheduling an interview for your child from a number of schools. Admissions couldn't get easier, but then, that's because OSA understands parental woes that crop up during admission and is dedicated to ease the load off your shoulders.

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