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Teenage Makeup Ideas

Teenage Makeup Ideas

Teenage is the time when the world opens up in a new promising way; the kid growing into an adult passing through the phase called teenage begins to take interest in all that adults do.

They become conscious about themselves and their looks therefore make up ideas for teenagers become as important as anything else.

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Though there may be desires to look good by using make up yet it is advisable that during this tender age the skin is quite supple and soft hence one must not use loud make up which may spoil the natural, unexploited and innocent beauty of teenage skin. Teenage make up must be soft and simple with a beautiful mix and match of colors which will define their age and youth.

Some very common problem with teenagers are pimples, black heads, acne etc and in order to hide these they pour extra make up which will only create more problems by clogging the skin pores. Therefore, some easy steps and a few simple make up ideas can make a teenager look the way she dreams without actually harming her skin.

It's very necessary to drink lots of water which detoxifies the body from within and keeps it well hydrated. One should definitely use a gentle face wash and a cleanser. Cleansing and exfoliating the skin is most important for skin's health, to keep teenage skin problems at bay and off course for make up to look good on the face. Facial toner is very important and those having acne prone skin must opt for toners that have alpha hydroxyl and benzoyl peroxide.

Before applying any make up the teenager must moisturize the face using a good moisturizer. A make up primer can be used to let the make up last longer. Select a foundation that is gentle, mild and protective for the skin and anti clogging.

Some apply face powder which should match the skin tone after which a pink or any similar color blusher can be applied. Eye shadow base helps keep eye make up longer and a gentle dusting of powder on the lips can do the same after applying lipstick. Fruity lip gloss rather than dark lip sticks look best on teenagers.

Teenagers look best in bright and floral colors which accentuate their innocent beauty. Using herbal rather than chemical products are most suitable for teenager skin.

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