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Nathan DeStephano Easy Book Binding Review

Writing a book is a delightful activity. It?s fun feeling your thoughts flowing into the pages and the rush of creativity flowing across your entire body. However, the process of physically publishing the book is not that delightful. For one, you have to shell out thousands of dollar of your own money and pay a digital publishing company to self-publish your book. Well, the good news is that you can enjoy your book in your hands in just six easy steps. How? With Easy Book Binding by Nathan DeStephano.

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With this guide, you will learn how to bind your own books with amazing results in the comfort of your own home. You will learn how to correctly subdivide your printing budget, how to correctly set up the orientation of your pages for printing in book format, how to cut your pages correctly, how to correctly deal with page orientation with pictures, and how to select your cutting equipment and select the best deals.

You will also discover the correct way to measure your pages without confusion, the secret laser and inkjet printer manufacturers is keeping from you, the truth about expensive word processing applications, the best place to find software with the same functions for free, the best method to fold your pages, the two best kinds of cover stocks, and the only thing you need to know about printing resolution that will save you both time and money.

This guide will surely keep your pages nicely squared, with the cover tightly positioned in the right place. It will definitely make the process of binding your book literally a snap your book will be ready in a minute! What?s more is that this electronic book does not focus only on binding. It will take you from the A to Z of all the printing process, from the software that you should use and how to use it, to the right kind of paper, the right glue, how to choose and set up your computer, how to trim the pages, and how to set up your book for printing.

Write and publish your own book with Easy Book Binding!

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