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subject: Have you got the xfactor with your online business? [print this page]

Running a successful online business requires the same attributes to running a successful offline business and that boils down to Are you prepared to go that extra mile and do you have the xfactor that is required to make your business stand out from the crowd. Are you prepared to work for that extra half an hour and ignore the urges to watch your favourite television program. Are you prepared to push on and get that extra article finished when you would like nothing more than to curl up on the sofa with a glass of wine or to set your morning alarm for an hour earlier so you can get your ebook finished when you can hardly open your eyes. The vast majority of people with an online business simply dont have that xfactor that is required which makes it an even greater opportunity for you to stand out from the crowd. You may go through periods where it seems like you are working for little return but if you just keep at it that xfactor will come shining through and the world will be most literally your oyster. You will also find that your customers will start to see that your business really is something special, especially by the way that you put your self across to them, in a helpful and polite way, I am not exaggerating when I say that they will be drawn to you and your business because you will be one of the few who has the xfactor and who is making that extra effort. The beauty of it is that you can apply the xfactor to your business at any time that you want, if you have been a little guilty in the past of not giving it 100% you can change all of that now, just start from today at putting that little extra into your business and just you watch the impact it will have.

Have you got the xfactor with your online business?

By: samantha

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