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subject: Genuine Auto Parts or After Market; Which is Best? [print this page]

Genuine Auto Parts or After Market; Which is Best?

Genuine Auto Parts or After Market; Which is Best?

Once you take a part out of its box you really can't tell the difference between OEM parts and after market ones. When it comes time to make repairs or update parts for your car you may find yourself wondering whether you should pay the extra money for OEM parts. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, which basically means that they are name brand parts, made by the original makers of the car or truck. For most of us, financial times are horrific right now and after market prices are very favorable. Paying full price for internal parts just doesn't make sense. Of course there will always be people who will insist on genuine auto parts but for the most of us, after market will do just fine. There are many different kinds of people and wallet sizes so there are parts you need at name brand prices and after market prices, it is completely up to you.

With technologies available today you can buy auto parts online at any time of day or night. Websites like Automotix, which is short for Automotive Instant Exchange are known for having excellent business practices, great customer service packaged together with a user-friendly site. They offer genuine auto parts and OEM parts for all kinds of makes and models of cars, trucks, SUV's, Vans or anything else you could possibly need.

Owning an automobile is costly but there are many ways to keep costs down. You can actually save money on fuel every day by keeping your car or truck properly maintained. With gas prices being completely outrageous all across the United States, you can have some control over how much gasoline you use. Keeping your car well maintained makes it much more efficient on gasoline and it will help your car to last much longer. You may be pleasantly surprised at just how easy it is to do minor repairs on your own car.
Genuine Auto Parts or After Market; Which is Best?

If you are a mechanic you already know that some parts are very difficult to get. You have probably had a ton of experience in dealing with auto parts stores and web sites that make great promises but can't effectively deliver on them. Big promises are useless when they are empty or sometimes completely devoid of truth. It can be very difficult to find and online parts locator service that can be all you need them to be.

Mechanics and car owners alike would certainly benefit from a relationship with a good trust worthy website that they know they can really depend on to be there with information and auto parts of all kinds. You should be able to find all sorts of manuals and how-to articles to help guide you all along the way. Even certified mechanics can run in to issues they haven't seen at all or something on a new car that they have never had to deal with. Having confidence in your work is vital to your survival and knowing where to go to get the information you need is a real life-saver!

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