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Libel And Slander Online

The Internet is an area of unregulated free speech on virtually any subjectincluding those that are controversialwithout regard as to whether certain speech is true or not. Libel and slander laws are notoriously useless within the world wide web, mainly because of the large degree of anonymity on the web. From this shroud of anonymity, anyone can hurl insults, half-truths, or allegations toward anyone, from the most unsuspecting citizen to the highly-publicized businessman or celebrity.

This environment creates a number of situations in which certain users unfairly manipulate the Internet against others. Malcontents and misanthropes utilize search engines to destroy the reputations of others, often by hurling allegations of wrong doing or lack of personal integrity. Who hasn't Googled an actor, music artist, or businessman and found a number of links deploring them as amateurs, whores, or greedy bastards? While I think we could all agree that anyone has a right to say what they want about othersthose subjects of scorn also have every right to defend their own name, right?

Internet reputation management is an industry that has been created to solve this need and help innocent people to defend their images by publicizing themselves positively. The ability to put positive material out there to combat negative lies is essential to the functioning of the Internet as a source of informationit ensures that information can be balanced from both sides and that people can fix their images if they are unfairly damaged. Defending your reputation online might sound like a waste of time to anyone whose search results reflect accurately their moral fiber, but to anyone who has been unfairly lambastedit is an absolute necessity.

by: Reputation Hawk

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