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Leh and Ladakh-Exotic Tour Destination

Leh and Ladakh-Exotic Tour Destination

Ladakh, the snow desert bordered by two most serene mountain ranges, has plenty of attractions to fascinate tourists towards its pristine beauty. Feel the cold waves from sky reaching mountains, calmness of beautiful lakes and religion imbibed in the air passing through magnificent monasteries. There is a long list of places travelers must visit while touring this northern most part of India. Ladakh along with its capital Leh offers a variety of regular as well as adventure activities to every individual.

Natural Aura

Nature is at its best in this region which has a kind of hypnotism that mesmerizes senses of the visitors and it becomes difficult for them not to fall in love with it. High Mountain passes like Zoji La, Khardung La, Namika La, Lachulung La and Taglang La takes tourist to some of the hidden destinations. Here one can find some of the world's highest navigable passes that provides a scenic view of this exotic region. Indus Valley, Nubra Valley, Markha Valley- gorgeous valleys enclosing even more beautiful rivers provide amazing locations for camping etc. Power of nature is evident on the magnetic hill where vehicle move with their engines off, towards the hill at a speed of 20km per hour.
Leh and Ladakh-Exotic Tour Destination

Monasteries- Example of Living Buddhism

During Leh Ladakh tours discover age old heritage of Buddhism by visiting the beautiful monasteries. This barren snow covered land is dotted with magnificent monasteries/Gompas that add to environment a divine power that can be felt on the mere entrance to this region. Hovering flags, prayers carved on walls, enchantment of mantras and a lot more represent the unchanging beliefs of Ladakhis. Alchi, Thiksey, Likir, Spituk, Hemis, Khalsi, Mulbek, Shankar and Lamayuru are among the most visited monasteries that reflect beautiful architecture inspired from Tibetan culture. These gompas contains large statues of Buddha, wall paintings and thangkas. Also, every year various monasteries serve as venue to colorful festivities of the region.

Adventure Activities- Experience Life on the Edge
Leh and Ladakh-Exotic Tour Destination

In Ladakh adventurous activities are really exciting and one can have the most thrilling experience of their life with mountaineering, trekking, jeep safaris, biking and cycling. Trek to the highest mountain ranges and enjoy beautiful views from top. Stay overnight in camps and get into a deep slumber beneath the far reaching sky. Passionate travelers do not let go even a single moment without ecstasy so they come to this land to explore their daring side. Other activities include river rafting, archery and polo competitions.

Shopping Extravaganza

In Ladakh various popular places are their where shopaholics will find some of the unique and beautiful Ladakhi items. These markets are full of Tibetan handicraft products like prayer wheels, Thangka paintings and Buddhist masks. Tibetan silver jewelry and traditional Ladakhi jewelry are on the hit list of most of the women visitors. Pashmina shawls, locally handmade woolen rugs, carpets sweaters, caps, gloves and socks are the usual things people buy during their tour.

A beautiful region integrated with natural beauty that offers incomparable excitement as well is definitely a place worth visiting at least once in a lifetime. One should go on a tour to Leh and Ladakh with plenty of time in hand and a lot of preparation as this place has a lot to offer which can be enjoyed whole heartedly.

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