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subject: The birth of the world's most advanced microscope with unprecedented clarity - microscope birth [print this page]

The birth of the world's most advanced microscope with unprecedented clarity - microscope birth

McMaster University to create the new Canadian Center for Electron Microscopy has the world's most advanced and powerful electron microscope - Titan 80-300 cube (Titan80-300Cubed), the Director of the Centre Ganwei Ji? Bolton said that its power equivalent to the Hubble Space Telescope, only the former aimed at the atomic level, which aligned stars and galaxies.

The microscope is built this summer by the university formed, with unprecedented clarity, quickly lead to scientists in the field of media and related concerns.

Bolton said, "We are the world's first microscope with such high-caliber university. With this microscope, we can easily identify atoms, measure their chemical state and even probe the atomic electronic gathering drew near." Vice President of McMaster University

Mo? Airbase, said Srivastava, the power of this microscope allows McMaster University to become the center of fast-growing field. "In addition, together with the Centre for Microscopy suite equipment, can make Canada a leading nano-technology, but also put us in the world among the most advanced materials research institutions."

Last week, an international team of scientists came to this university, this microscope was tested. Ability of scientists to their great surprise that this microscope will, in many life sciences applications. "This is a special equipment will be the basis of biology and physics in the manufacture of many new discoveries will help us better understand the characteristics of the disease, and explore new leads for treatment of disease."

Another scientist David? Wilkinson by another lens view of the microscope. Wilkinson said: "Titan can detect the atomic level structure of solid materials, from biomedical instruments to improve water quality monitoring and then to the energy storage system, this microscope will be the development of new technologies in these areas and have a major role in the process of commercialization . McMaster University is committed to application of advanced research tools to meet the needs of our industrial partners to enhance their ability to innovate, to enhance its global competitiveness. "

McMaster University, Brockhouse Institute of Materials Research President John? Prairie Kan Preston said, by the FEI company spent 15 million U.S. dollars in the Netherlands to build the Titan microscope is CCEM organization of several instruments in one nanometer level in the detection of hundreds of everyday products in order to understand, manipulate and improve their efficiency. For example, the attachment of the picture is the Titan 80-300 microscope cube aluminum beverage cans are taken sample picture is 1400 times magnification observations of the aluminum alloy. The picture is a nanometer scale than, equal to the diameter of human hair 5 millionth.

This microscope will be used to help create more efficient lighting and better solar cells, study proteins and drugs for cancer treatment delivery materials. It will assess atmospheric particulates, to help create lighter and more solid car materials, more effective cosmetics, and higher density memory to be used for faster electronic and telecommunication devices.

Learned, this microscope can tolerate low vibration, low noise and a moment of temperature fluctuation. When operating the microscope was carried out in a separate room to ensure the highest quality of observations. Microscope in the field is undergoing rapid and tremendous changes in recent months, have other microscope is available, will eventually beat the Titan microscope skills. Bolton said the upgrade to the Titan microscope is a microscope to maintain the leading position in this important work.

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