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Five Ways To Make Money With Ebay

Perhaps the most widely used ecommerce site on the internet, eBay, has provided endless possibilities to many individuals for making some extra cash or even replacing their full-time income. If you're looking for a piece of the pie consider the following five ways to make money with eBay:

Have items that you no longer need? Sell them on eBay

You might not think that there's much of value within your own home but you might be pleasantly surprised at what sells on eBay. Everything from books that you've already read to DVDs that you didn't enjoy to vases that were given to you on your birthday that you don't even like could sell at auction. You don't need to sell everything that you own but if you do have some clutter that you'd like to clear out start creating some listings on eBay.

Enjoy fishing for a bargain? Buy at charity shops and sell on for a profit

Charity shops can be a gold mine if you want to make money with eBay. There are many items that have been discarded that you can pick up for a few pence and sell on for a few pounds. Car boot sales, flea markets and garage sales also offer great shopping opportunities. Do some research on eBay before spending a lot of money however to save purchasing a lot of items that you'll struggle to shift.

Search for an eBay bargain

eBay itself is an excellent place to use to buy items that can be sold on for a profit. Keep your eyes peeled for auctions that end at antisocial hours, that have poor descriptions and misspelt titles and you could grab yourself a bargain. Just make sure you don't make the same mistakes when you relist your items! Also look for similar items to be sure that they aren't just selling particularly cheaply.

Take advantage of dropshipping services

Dropshippers are wholesale retailers that allow you to sell their products under your own company name. Instead of buying a lot of stock and selling it on to your customers, you simply pay the dropshipper when you make a sale and they post it direct to the customer. It can take the hassle out of using eBay as you don't need to consider packaging and storage facilities, but at the same time be careful about how much you'll be paying.

Start your own eBay business in your area of interest

If you are passionate about something and knowledgeable on the topic then you stand a good chance to make money with eBay. Selling items that relate to your particular niche market can be a great way of drawing in repeat customers to the point that you might consider using eBay as your full time income. Many thousands of individuals are doing just that. It's a lot of work, as is starting any business, but if you are determined and passionate about what you're selling then it is a very real possibility.

by: Amanda O'Brien

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