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subject: How Long To Get Over Your Ex? [print this page]

How Long To Get Over Your Ex?

Getting over somebody, especially when you've been involved with them romantically usually takes time. Though most people try to cope up and forget, the scars left by a lost love can remain forever.

Maybe it's the "Give up" attitude inherent in most people that makes them simply try to forget a relationship that messed up, even if they spend half their lives looking for their partner and trying to establish the relationship.They try to let go and forget as fast as they can.

However, the actual time it takes for you to move on most of the time depends on how fast you can gain back your faith and confidence in yourself.

The main reason why people can't move on after their break up is that they are scared; they feel that a part of them was cut off and somehow they aren't confident that they can make it through.

Clearly observe those who are able to get over lost love easily, do you see how they radiate self-confidence. They are not dependent, not clingy.

If you can develop such faith and self-confidence fast, like in a matter of days or weeks after the break-up then I would say that maybe in about a month or two you'll be able to say that you've gotten over lost love already.

Developing or getting back your self-confidence has another effect. It makes you attractive to your ex. With the newfound confidence that you reflect, they suddenly realize how much they miss you and want to be with you again.

But do you really want to forget? ask yourself this question. Do you really want to let them go or is it just your hurt ego trying to make them pay for what they've done even at the cost of years of sacrifice and sharing your lives together? Wouldn't it be appropriate to try to fix things up? It depends on you and your decision.

If you decide to get them back, then you can use this tips along with the tactics I outlined in my book below on How To Get Your Ex Back.

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