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subject: Senuke X, The Complete Senuke X Review [print this page]

Senuke X, The Complete Senuke X Review

I will be updating it when the last official logo will be declared.

SEnuke X Attributes

1. Faster, better looking, much more organized

SEnuke X 01

SEnuke X has been completely re-written over completely from scratch in a brand new technology. This has allowed all of us to do stuff that were technically impossible using the previous variation of SEnuke. In case you look at the picture above, you'll observe that it's much cleaner, an appealing and more organized. Notice how a projects are now all obvious on one screen instead of possessing small separate project files for each project. Notice the Several columns around the far right, these review the agenda for the undertaking.. which brings myself to the first major feature: scheduling

2. Scheduled submissions/Project Photo calendars

Set it up when and take a trip to The hawaiian islands and its planning to do everything without treatment!

SEnuke X 02

We've caused it to be so easy to create as well as schedule tasks that even your child can perform it! Only factor you need to do can be leave your personal machine on.

4. Minimum/no crashes + auto-resume following crash ability

We're trying tough to make sure SEnuke A does not collision at all. However, if it ever does, we now have an "auto-resume after crash" capability integrated. Forget about pulling your hair when getting out of bed in the morning questioning what the heck took place to SEnuke during the night.

5. Anything gets stored to one central database as an alternative to hundreds of tiny files

Six. Now you can make sure there's zero overlap with the Search engine optimisation projects you're working on for your dental professional and your animal medical practitioner :).

9. Profiles instead of a confusing options screen

Profiles Screen shot

SEnuke X '07

Profile Job Screenshot

SEnuke X 08

Point out bye-bye to that clunky options screen. All your password combinations are now saved in "profiles". These kinds of profiles will then easily be crammed into assignments by working out a profile towards the appropriate undertaking (See next image).

10. You can work as many modules as you want at the same time because of the lovely multi-threading built in.

14. Exciting, correct?

To accomplish this, we're building a huge community of high PR autoblogs.

After we're done building that network, you can simply inform the indexing module which Link list you'd like indexed and also press Begin. Links towards the various pages will be submitted on the huge network of autoblogs as well as hopefully bring about really fast indexing. There are a plethora associated with modules every module has so many features. So how will we shorten the training curve? With the help of a step-by-step sorcerer!

Our expect is that any newbie can pick up SEnuke Times and not have to study a single assist file to begin. Just one "Start here" switch will manual them about the same software!


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