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subject: Being Successful Online Starts With Setting Goals [print this page]

Being Successful Online Starts With Setting Goals

Being Successful Online Starts With Setting Goals

In order to truly be successful online, you must set goals. For a long time I completely looked over this step. I didn't think it was important. But as I look back, I realize that I could have been much further along had I taken the time to set clear goals for myself and my online business. Without clear goals, you are literally setting yourself up for failure. One of the main reasons so many people fail to make money online is because they never actually implement the things they have learned. They jump on every new opportunity that comes their way. And do you know why they do this? Because they haven't set clear goals. If you have no idea what you want to accomplish, you will be scattered and all over the place. You will waste more time and money then you could ever imagine. One of my favorite internet marketers is Frank Kern. I think he is like the smartest guy in the whole internet marketing universe. Even he, with all he success he has had, sets goals. He knows what he hopes to accomplish. As a result, he has become extremely successful over the last several years. I heard oil billionaire say something that was so profound to me. He said that success only requires two things. First , you must know exactly what you want. Second, you must determine the price you will have to pay to achieve it and then get busy paying that price. So get clear about your goals. Figure out exactly what you want to accomplish. Whatever it is, write it down on a piece of paper. When you write them down, be very specific. Once you do, you will increase your level of motivation and be more likely to take the steps needed to actually reach your goals.

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