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Shoulder Impingement Treatment - Physical Therapy Based Treatment For Impingement Syndrome

A physical therapy program of rotator cuff exercises is the best shoulder impingement treatment for a fast and effective recovery. Normally, a shoulder impingement is treated with prescription and over the counter anti inflammatories. This is because the Impingement Syndrome is the net result of the inflammation of 2 distinct areas within the rotator cuff set up, the rotator cuff tendons on one hand and the bursa on the other.

When the tendons become inflamed due to over use or repetitive motions, we have a Tendonitis. Because inflammations can spread to adjacent areas, the bursa can also become inflamed. The bursa is a sack over which the cuff tendons slide to prevent them from rubbing against the shoulder joint bones. Once the bursa is inflamed we have a Bursitis.

In many instances Bursitis and Tendonitis occur at the same time, being just 2 different inflammations of 2 adjacent areas. When they do occur together, the sub acromial space within the shoulder joint becomes restricted by the swelling of the tendons and the bursa. Further movements exacerbate the problem, leading to a self fueling condition and increasing inflammation. Over head movements, though not impossible like in a Frozen Shoulder, become difficult and accompanied by the typical clicking or pinching feeling from which the disorder takes its name: Impingement Syndrome.

To go back to treatments then, apart from anti inflammatories, ice packs are also popular, as cold tends to reduce inflammation. Cold and anti inflammatories certainly help soothing pain and inflammation, but have also limitations. Drugs in particular carry side effects and are expensive on the long run, without really tackling the problem at root level.

A shoulder impingement treatment based on physical therapy can on the contrary produce fast and lasting results both for the rotator cuff recovery and the elimination of pain and discomfort. A program of few key exercises for the rotator cuff can restore the cuff tendons and muscles to health and strengthen the rotator cuff as a whole, eliminating poor posture and reducing inflammation naturally.

A strong rotator cuff will be more prone to self healing than a weakened one addicted to drugs and anti inflammatories. Tendonitis, Bursitis and Impingement Syndrome can go on for months and months, sometimes few years, leaving the sufferer quality of life tangibly reduced. However, a shoulder impingement treatment based on physical therapy can cut down recovery times to weeks, rather then months or years, permanently.

If you are affected by a shoulder impingement, there is no need to put up with pain and pinching at every movement or take expensive medicines for months on end. Check out this shoulder impingement treatment based on rotator cuff exercises for a full and fast recovery. Click on shoulder impingement treatment now.

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