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Moving With Smaller Kids

Moving impacts everyone in the household, and it can be especially unsettling for kids. Kids tend to be comforted by consistency of surroundings, and moving eliminates much of that consistency. Here are some general tips on making the transition easier:

1.Be sure to talk to your kids about moving, what the new place will be look, and what they should expect. Trying to keep it a secret is almost never a good idea. Make sure that they feel free to ask lots of questions and express how they're feeling, especially if they're feeling scared.

2.Be reassuring- kids will pick up quickly on the fact that everyone is feeling the stress of the upcoming move. Be honest in telling kids that things will be a bit stressful and "up in the air" for a short period of time, but that things will settle down and feel normal again after the move. Remind them of things that won't be changing, whether that involves possessions, daily activities, family members, etc.

3.Let kids participate in age-appropriate activities prior to Moving Day, whether that's marking boxes, packing their toys or stuffed animals, organizing their belongings, etc. Keep in mind that people "support what they create," and that includes children. The more they can participate in the move, the more comfortable they will be, and the more they will begin looking forward to the transition instead of fearing it.
Moving With Smaller Kids

4.Get a children's book on moving for smaller kids. Consider "The Berenstain Bears' Moving Day." Try to read it and other related books on a regular basis prior to the move, and let them make comments as you go through the books.

5.If appropriate, let children pick their room in the place. Now obviously this isn't possible in most cases. However, in the cases where it is an option, it will help them feel like they were able to have some influence and power of the future, which will reduce their stress level.

6.If possible, let kids pick a decoration (poster, light switch, name banner, etc.) for their new room. If that doesn't work, let them pick from two or three different paint colors that you pick out so that they "get a vote." Again, the more they can feel like a participant, the less stress everyone will face.

7.Pack a kid's sized suitcase and let each child pick out a special toy to keep with them and a special outfit to wear on "new home day." Let them have a special time at the new place to open it and use what's inside.

8.If the child has a special dish or cup, include it in the kitchen "Open Me First" box so familiar items await them at their new place.

9.Consider unpacking the kids' rooms first, or at least their "Open Me First" boxes to help them settle in. Yes, I realize that there are a thousand priorities in settling in, and that the children's rooms might not be the most natural priority.

However, it can make a big impact on their peace of mind.

Following these simple guidelines can remove a lot of stress in helping your kids get ready for the big move.

Good luck on your move!

by: Timothy Clendaniel

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